Ch. 11 Heart Beat

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     "No!" I screamed as the hospital staff pushed me out of the room. "I need in!" "Ma'am you need to stay out here." A man said in an extremely stern voice. "Please." I begged. "I'm sorry but you can not go in." I felt like I couldn't breathe. I ran outside hoping it would help but it didn't. I only walked a few feet out of the hospital before I collapsed on a bench and started crying. I felt terrible. I am the reason this was happening to Ward. "Daisy." I looked up, it was Coulson. "Coulson!" I exclaimed. I had called him earlier. "What's wrong?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "It's Ward." I tried not to cry but I couldn't stop myself. "His heart stopped." I said through tears. "I tried to stay but they wouldn't let me. I felt like I couldn't breathe so I ran out here. I'm scared to go back in there Coulson. What if he didn't make it. I don't know wh..." Coulson cut me off. "There's only one way to find out." "Will you go in with me?" I asked. "Of course."

     "This way." I said as I led Coulson through multiple hallways to Ward's room. "Here it is." I said. "Are you going to go in?" Asked Coulson.
I turned around to look at him. "I'm scared." "I'll be here with you the whole time." He said. "Thank you Coulson." I slowly opened the door. That's when I heard the monitor beeping. He was alive. "Ward!" I yelled as I ran to his bedside. "Daisy?" He said a little disoriented. "Yes." It's me, and Coulson is here too." "Hi Grant." Coulson said. I could see the tears in his eyes. He set the flowers he had in his hand down, next to Ward's bed. "I'll give you two a minute" Coulson said. As soon as Coulson had left the room. I started crying. I don't think I had ever cried so much in my life. "Why are you crying?" Ward asked. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault." "No it's not!" He said to me in the sternest voice he could manage. "Do you remember what you were saying before your stopped." I asked "Not really." He said "Why?"  "No reason. I was just wondering." I said. "Now get some sleep. I'll be right here if you need anything." "Thank you." Ward said before he drifted off to sleep.

     I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I just sat there and watched Ward. It was 7 o'clock in the morning and Ward was still asleep. I hadn't gotten any sleep so I thought of the next best thing. Coffee. I walked to the nearest coffee shop. As soon as I walked in the aroma of coffee hit me like a title wave. I started to walk up to the counter to order when I saw who was already there. It was that girl Jemma. The one who called the cops on me. I had to get out of here. I turned around and walked out, grateful that she didn't see me.

     I ended up going to a different place to get coffee. When I got back to Ward's room he was still asleep. I sat down by the window in his room and watched the traffic of the city go by. "Ugh" I turned around. Ward was awake. "Good morning." I said to him. "Morning" he replied. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "I would have slept better if you would have slept too." "How did you know I didn't sleep?" I asked. "Daisy" he started "as beautiful as you are, those bags under your eyes could hold a week's worth of groceries." We were both laughing. "Will you please get some sleep?" He asked. "If you really want me to." I said "But if you need anything you wake me up. Deal?" "Deal." He said, and with that I laid down on the couch in his room and I fell asleep.

Sorry to all of those who thought Ward was gonna die. I'm sorry.
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