Ch. 7 The Diner

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"Tell me where we are going." I demanded, faking a serious tone. 

"No. You'll find out when we get there." He told me with a huge smile on his face. I could tell he was enjoying himself and I was too. 

"Can I at least take off the blind fold?" I pleaded.

"You can not!" He commanded.

I groaned but he just laughed. 

We walked down the sidewalk, his arm around my waist to keep me from running into stuff. "Can I take it of now?" I asked for what must have been the tenth time. 

He chuckled. "Yes. Now you can take it off"

I eagerly took off the blindfold to reveal a small diner in front of my eyes. "Where are we?" I asked. 

His smile grew even bigger. "Only the best place to get a milkshake" he joked

"Yes! Milkshakes!" I cheered as we neared the front door. 

As soon as we walked in the door the aroma of buggers and fries flooded my senses.

"Grant!" A man exclaimed, walking towards us. He set his chef hat down the the counter then wrapped Ward in a big hug. "And who is this?" The man asked as he looked at me. 

"This is Daisy." Ward said with a smile on his face.

I smiled and held out my hand. "Hi." 

He returned my smile as he shook my hand. 

"Did you finally get yourself a girlfriend." The man asked as he patted Ward on the back. 

I chuckled. "We're just friends." I told him. 

"Well Ward, your usual table is open if you want it." 

"Thanks Coulson." Ward said as he led me to the table.

I looked around the retro themed diner. "So you come here often?" I asked Ward when a lady finished taking our order. 

"Not as much as I would like to." He said. "I used to come here all the time when I was little." 

"That's cool. This place looks amazing." 

"Yeah. It really is." He replied with a nostalgic look on his face. 

"Ward?" I questioned. 

"Mmm." He mumbled, not really paying attention to what I was saying. 

"Ward." I said a little more forcefully this time. 

"Sorry," he responded, "I was just...thinking." 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

He shook his head. "It's nothing." 

"Ward," I grabbed his hand over the table, "I know you're lying but I'm not going to pressure you into telling me. Just know I'm here if you want to talk about it." 

He sighed. "This place just brings back so many memories." 

"Good or bad?" I asked, slightly confused. 

"Both," He explained, "I have so many great memories here with Coulson but the reason I came here in the first place was bad. My parents only ever cared for my sister and little brother. They would take them out places and leave my older brother to watch over me. He was cruel, he claimed that I was the reason that he wasn't loved by our parents like our other siblings. So he would beat me, then lock me in my room for hours without food or water. So whenever they would leave us home together I snuck out. This place was decently close to home, but far enough away that my older bother wouldn't come looking for me here. At first Coulson felt bad for me so he would give me some of the food that was left over but after a while I started doing odd jobs around here. I always told Coulson it was to pay  him back for the food but he insisted on giving me money. Ever sense then I have seen him as a dad. I would come here all the time and we would talk and laugh. Everything was perfect until I had to go home. This place was my safe haven. I love it here. And I just try to avoid those memories as much as I can."

I nodded but stayed quiet, trying to decide what I should respond with.

"You're the only person I've ever told that to." He told me softly. I reached across the table and held his hand, we didn't talk, we both just starred at our hands. "Sorry" he apologized.

"For what?" I questioned, unsure of what he could be apologizing for.

"For ruining our lunch with my story." He replied.

I squeezed his hand in reassurance. "You didn't ruin lunch one bit. I'm glad you shared that with me."


I smiled and nodded my head. "Really." 

Hello again!
Who liked that I put Coulson in the story? 😂 I thought it would be fun.
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