Ch 19

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Ward's POV

Coulson led us through multiple hallways until he pulled out some keys and unlocked a door. He still hadn't explained what was going on to me but I was so shocked I could barely function.

"Please have a seat." Coulson said to me, motioning to one of the blue chairs that sat across from a big brown desk. I sat down and he leaned against the desk, in front if me. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions." He said.

I just nodded.

"Well here is the shortened version." He said. "I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. That stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. We are a top secret government spy agency that mostly focus on, let's just say, not normal things." He sat silent for a few seconds before continuing. "This is Agent Jemma Simmons." He said pointing towards Jemma. "She's a biochemist. And this is Agent Leo Fitz, he is an engineer." Jemma and Leo both gave me an awkward wave before Coulson stay talking again. "And this is Agent Melinda May." I looked over at her but got extremely intimidated and looked back at Coulson.

"So Ward," He started "you said Hydra has Daisy."

"Yes." I said, uttering my first word since I had gotten here.

Coulson looked over at Jemma, Leo, and May. "Go round up some troops and meet us at the hangar door." They all nodded and left.

"Ward." Coulson said turning back towards me. "Can you lead us back to the Hydra base."

To be honest I was still slightly confused about what was going on. But what I did know is that we were going to get Daisy back, and that's all that mattered to me. "Yes."


Not long after our conversation, Coulson and I met up with May, Jemma, Leo, and what seemed like alot of other agents.

"Ok. Let's go!" May yelled out then we all piled in multiple different vans. Coulson led me to the front van. He climbed in the driver side and I climed into the passenger side. Coulson looked over at me and started to speak. "Now lead the way."

Daisy's POV

I laid on the hard concrete floor of my cell. I was just thrown back into my cell after yet another interrogation. I would be crying but at this point I don't think I have any tears left. I had bandages ruffly placed all over my back from the whip marks and other random ones scattered around my body from where I had been stabbed with multiple knifes.

Whenever I tried to move I would scream out in pain. It hurt to go to sleep but it also hurt to stay awake. I had about given up hope. Until I heard the strangest thing. Something that almost sounded like a blast.

Ward's POV

We had finally made it to the Hydra base. We all stood away from the wall before some of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents blew a huge hole in the wall. "Move, move, move!" Coulson yelled. We ran into the building and all the agents dispersed. Coulson led me down multiple hallways, taking out some Hydra agents on the way, until we got to what seemed like a prison. There were multiple cells which lined the walls. Coulson and some agents started freeing the prisoners Hydra had captured. I started running down the hallway. "Daisy!" I yelled. "Daisy!"

"Ward?" I heard someone say. It was barley a whisper but I still heard it.

"Daisy?!" I called again.

"Ward." It was a little louder this time.

I followed the voice until I got to a cell at the end of the hallway. "Daisy!" I exclaimed. In the cell there was Daisy, laying there. She had bandages all over her body, two black eyes, and dry blood covered most of her face. I grabbed the gun Coulson had given me and pointed it at the lock. I shot a bullet at the lock and I broke it off. I threw open the cell door and ran over to Daisy. I knelt down beside her and put her in my lap. She smiled up at me and put her weak, pale, hand on my face. I was trying not to cry but that small action made me loose it. Tears started streaming down my face.

"I love you." She said. Then her eyes closed and her hand dropped.

"HELP! ANYONE PLEASE HELP!" I screamed through tears. Multiple agents came to me and they led me out from the base and to a Quinn jet that was waiting for us.

They quickly set her up with a few minor machines that would keep her alive until we got back to base.

I sat next to where Daisy was with my head in my hands. After a little bit Coulson came and put a hand on my shoulder. "Ward, we're here." I looked up to see that we were landing. As soon as we landed they rushed Daisy off the jet and to one of their labs. I followed closely behind. Jemma and Leo we're yelling different things to multiple doctors. I wasn't allowed into the lab so I sat on the floor outside of it, waiting.

After what felt like an eternity Jemma came out into the hallway. "You can see her now." She said.

I quickly stood up. "Thank you." I mumbled. Before rushing to Daisy's side.

"Hi." I said quietly.

She smiled at me. "Hey."

"How are you?" I asked taking her hand in mine.

"As good as I can be." She said.

I pulled up a chair and sat down next to her bed. After a minute of silence I spoke.

"I'm so sorry Daisy." I said with tears in my eyes.

"For what?" She asked, confused.

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't been taken in the first place, Hydra wouldn't have ever gotten you and you wouldn't have been hurt so badly." I looked down, unable to meet her eyes.

"Hey." She said taking her hand and using it to lift my chin up. "It's not your fault. You couldn't help getting taken by Hydra. I don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself."

I placed a small kiss on her lips. "I love you." I said smiling.

"I love you too." She said. Then her eyelids slowly closed as she drifted off to sleep.

I'm back!!

I hope you like the chapter. There aren't many left. Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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