Ch. 4 Suspicion

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    I tried to open my eyes but gave up when the light became too blinding. Once I finally peeled my eyes open I tried propping myself up on my arms. 

"Ahh!" I yelled out as I fell back onto the couch. The pain in my arms was excruciating as I tried to examine them. "Hello?" I tried yelling but my throat was so scratchy that it came out more as a whisper. I cleared my throat before talking again. "Is anyone here?" I asked louder. 

It stayed silent. I opened my mouth again, about to yell, when a door was opened across the room from me. My eyes landed on a man. "Good. You're awake." He said, smiling.

"What happened?" I asked as I pressed my hand to my head, trying to get my headache to subdue. 

He looked puzzled. "You got shot. Don't you remember." He questioned, sitting down next to me. 

I sighed as I tried to think back to last night. "I remember getting shot...and meeting you...but everything else is just a blur."

He nodded his head as I talked. "Yes. I found you last night bleeding out on the ground. I tried to take you to the hospital but you told me I couldn't so I brought you back to my house. I have enough medical training that I was able to give you something to knock you out, extract that bullet from your right arm, and stitch you up."

 I finally took a good look at the bandage that was wrapped around my arm. "Thank you" I told him.

He sighed. "But there is one thing I can't quite figure out." 

"And what's that?" I asked skeptically.

"Why wouldn't you let me take you to the hospital last night?" He asked me. 

I stayed silent, unsure on how to respond. I couldn't tell him what I was. 

"Also, why are your arms covered in small fractures?" He questioned. 

"Umm...I got in a fight." I lied. 

"There is no way that a fight did that to your arms." He argued. 

I decided it would be best for me to leave. "Thank yo for your help but I should probably get going." I tried sitting up but instantly fell back in pain. 

"No." He told me, standing up abruptly. "You're not going anywhere. Your condition is too bad for you to even sit up, let alone run from the authorities. " 

I leaned against the back of the couch so I could at least sit up. "What, why would you think I'm running fro..." 

He cut me off. "Save your energy. I saw you quake that police officer back last night." 

My palms started sweating. "You're the inhuman they call Quake right?" He posed it as a question but there was no doubt in his tone. He knew exactly who I was, he just wanted me to say it.

"You already called the cops didn't you?" I asked, standing up, ignoring the pain that shot through my entire body. 

"I haven't called the cops." He assured me, putting his hand on my shoulder and making me sit down.

I looked at him, shock evident on my face. "You didn't! Why?" 

He started walking away. "Do you want me to? Because if you do..." 

I cut him off. "No. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I'm just surprised. Most people would have already called the cops." 

He smirked. "Not me. I have too many questions." 

I chuckled. "Ok. I'll answer your questions. You did save my life so it's the least I can do. "

He smiled. "But first," I told him, "can I have a glass of water?"


Yay! Another chapter completed. 😁
I hope you are liking it.
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