Ch. 10 Wounds

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     I dropped to the ground. "Ward!" I said though tears. "Daisy." He said faintly. I turned to where the shot came from and there was multiple police officers with guns pointed at us. "Quake!" A man yelled. "You are surrounded, come peacefully and no one will get hurt." I looked down at Ward who was bleeding out fast. "No one will get hurt" they said. I wasn't even sad anymore. I was angry. I stood up slowly. They took it as a sign of surrender. That was a huge mistake on their part. I slammed my hand on the ground causing a huge quake that made everyone in front of me fall back. I grabbed Ward in my arms then quaked my way up onto the top of the highest building. After the quake sent them back, they were to disoriented to see where I went. "Don't worry Ward." I said through tears. "You are going to be ok." I grabbed Ward and, as softly as I could, quaked us from building to building until we we're at the hospital. "Help!" I screamed as I ran into the emergency room carrying Ward. "Help me please!" That's when a nurse looked up at me. She said something into a intercom system and then there were multiple nurses and surgeons surrounding us. Before I could really even process what was happening they already had Ward in surgery. I tried my hardest to get in but the staff kept me out. "Please Miss." A lady said in an almost calming voice. "He needs to be in surgery right now. If you go to the waiting room we will come and get you when you can see him." I realized that it was pointless to argue with her. "Thank you." I said.

     I was terrified. Ward had been in surgery for the past two hours and no one would tell me what was happening. I was sitting in the chair with my head in my hands. "Excuse me miss." A lady said. "You can see him now." "Thank you!" I exclaimed. She led me though several different hallways. It felt like and eternity until we got there. She opened the door for me. "Here you go miss." "Thank you." I said.

     Ward was asleep when I walked in. I wasn't going to sugar coat it. He was not in a good condition. I walked closer to the bed, the sound of his heart beat on the monitor haunting me with every step I took. He was as pale as a ghost and had multiple IVs in his arms. I was at the side of his bed now and I felt the tears coming. I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. I collapsed on to the floor. "I'm so sorry!" I said through the tears. "If you wouldn't have met me this would have never happened to you. It's all my fault." "Don't say that. I would get shot ten more times if it means I get to be with you" "Ward!" I exclaimed. I was still crying but they were now tears of joy. "I'm so sorry Ward! I knew that staying with you would put you in danger but I stayed anyways. It was a selfish decision and I am so sorry." "Knock it off!" Ward said in the sternest voice he could manage. "What?" I asked, confused. "Stop saying that this is your fault. I chose to help you that first night we met and I chose to let you stay with me." The only thing I didn't choose was when I fell in..." Just then his monitor stopped beeping. His heart had stopped!

Yay! Another Chapter!
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