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     We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even realize our food was at the table. "Do you know when they brought the food out?" I asked "No. I was hoping you did" we both were laughing at this point.

     "The food was delicious!" I told Ward. "I know" he joked. "Mint chocolate chip milkshake for Daisy" Coulson said as he handed me the milkshake. I looked over at Ward "You remembered" I said as he was blushing. "Thank you Coulson."  He smiled and walked away.

     "So" I said as I took a drink of my milkshake. " Do you remember when you were asking me a bunch of questions when we first met?" "Yah." Ward said. "While you said you can learn alot about a girl from their favorite ice cream flavor." I stated "Yes I did." He said, obviously happy I remembered. "What did you learn about me?" "Well I learned that you are pretty, smart, and you love to dance" as he said that he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of our booth out into the parking lot. "Ward!" I exclaimed while laughing. "What are you doing." "I'll be right back Coulson." Ward yelled as he dragged me out into the rain. "We are dancing" I was laughing so hard right now. He was twirling me in the rain. It was magical. Like something you would see in a movie. It was pure bliss.

     When the rain stopped we went inside. As we walked in Coulson was at the door clapping and laughing. "Bravo!" He exclaimed. "Wonderful dancing." "Thank you" I said laughing. Ward looked at me a said "Let's go home and get changed into dry clothes."  I turned to Coulson and thanked him for the delicious food. Ward paid and we left.

     "I had alot of fun today." I said as we arrived back as Ward's place. "Me too" he said. "Do you want to keep the fun going?" He asked "Yes!" I Said. "But let me change first." Ok but after we get changed how about we watch a movie." He said. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "It's been forever sense I sat down and watched a movie." "Well what do you want to watch?" He asked. "Elf!" I said. "Elf?" He asked. "Yes Elf." I said happily. "The movie with that one guy... um..." "Will Ferrell?" He asked. "Yes. That one." I've heard so many funny stories from it and I really want to watch it!" "Ok" he said while laughing. "You go make some popcorn and I'll get the movie set up" "Yay!" I said. I went to change then made some delicious popcorn. 


     "That was the best movie ever!" I exclaimed. "I assume you liked it then" he said well laughing. "Yes! Especially when he tackled the fake santa." I laughed. "I had alot of fun today." Ward said. "Me too. I haven't done anything like this in a while." I yawned. "I think I'm going to go to bed." "Ok. Goodnight" "Goodnight Ward" I walked into my bedroom and fell on the bed. "Wait" I thought. "I just fell on my arm and it didn't hurt." I slowly took the cast of. My arm looked good. It wasn't swollen or multiple colors. I had a scar, that was still healing, from where Ward had stitched up my bullet wound but that was it. I decided that it wasn't necessary to wear that sling.

     After I got ready I laid down in my bed and let my thoughts wander. I ended up thinking of Ward. I think I was starting to like him. But that's when I remembered I can't. If I stayed with him it would only put his life in danger. I fell asleep sad knowing that I would have to leave soon.

Sorry I haven't updated the story in a while.
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