2 - New Friends

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Your P.O.V.

We got home and Sean helped me put my things in my new room. His house was a fairly nice size, so he gave me one of the guest bedrooms to have as my room. The room had a bathroom too, so I had my own bathroom as well.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard the loud Irish man yell from his recording room.

I walked into his recording room. I was already pretty comfortable with living with him and basically knew my way around the house at this point.

"Yeah?" I asked while standing in the doorway.

"The guys are calling me on Skype.  I thought you might want to meet them, so do you want to mess with them?" He said smiling.

"HELL YEAH!" I said.

He chuckled at me then handed me one of the Septiceye Sam merch hoodies that were in my size. He told me to do whatever, and he was going to go make dinner. I answered the call, and as soon as it connected, I decided to start messing with them.


"HOLY FUCK!" Mark screamed, "Jack is a teenage girl!"

Everyone laughed including me.

"Seriously though," Wade said, "who are you?"

"Hello, (Y/N) McLoughlin at your service," I said slightly bowing.

The guys laughed then all just smiled at me.

"Jack said he adopted a kid, he just didn't show us or tell us who," Bob said.

"Do you want to play prop hunt with us?" Mark asked.

"Sure, why the hell not?" I said while loading up the game.

We all started the game and I got stuck on Mark's team.

"Seriously!?!" I yelled. "I got stuck with the second-worst person here."

"HEY!" Mark yelled, "Wait, who's the worst then?" He asked.

"Wade." I said casually. Everyone burst out laughing again.

"Yep," Wade said, "She is definitely Jack's kid."

"True dat." I said as Mark and I started hunting.

We played for a good 45 minutes and Sean came back into the room at the worst time.

"Welcome back to The Bonercast!" Mark exclaimed. I was laughing my ass off and Sean walked in as soon as Mark said this.

He started laughing as hard as I was.

"So what do you guys think?" He said while picking me up, sitting in the chair, then putting me in another chair that was next to him. I crossed my arms at him.

"Well," Mark said, "She's 13, but has the same sense of humor as her 28-year-old father."

Sean then stared me straight in the eyes.

"Did you criticize Wade?" He asked.

"Yup." I said

"See," Bob said, "She's a good kid."

"She was cool." Wade said, "Maybe even cooler than you Jack."

Sean pouted and I laughed at him. 

"Alright kid," He said, "Pizza's ready."

I said goodbye to everyone and went to go eat.

"What did you think of them?" Sean asked while we were eating.

"Well," I started, "I was the only female there, and Mark was talking about The Bonercast, so overall, they're pretty awesome." Sean laughed at me and when we finished our food, we went back into the recording room. 

Jack put me in another chair like his that was slightly off-screen. He did his intro.

"WHAPISH! TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES. MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE, and I'm here with someone really special."

"Uhh.... my chair is stuck." I said. He laughed and pulled me into frame. I waved.

"Meet my new adopted daughter!" He exclaimed. 

We played a few games, then I went on my new phone that he had gotten me earlier that day, and I went onto YouTube to watch some of Mark's videos.

"I'll post it when you're ready." He said.

I smiled at him.

Sean said that when I was ready, I could make a twitter account. I made one and went to follow all of my new friends and Sean. Even though it was the first day of truly living with him, I felt really comfortable, but I still didn't feel comfortable calling him 'Dad'. Change takes a long time to get used to, and especially for me.

I went to my room and turned on the TV that was on top of my dresser. I went to YouTube, found a twenty one pilots playlist, and quickly fell asleep while listening to it.

Jacks P.O.V. (This is my first time trying P.O.V. changes, so sorry if they suck)

I stayed up late that night thinking. I have a teenage daughter. This is going to be a hassle. I have to send her to school, I have to be responsible for her and I, I need to find another person to bring into my life so she doesn't only have a dad. I fell asleep while pondering all of this.

(Time skip because Tyler Joseph is awesome.)

Your P.O.V.

I had woke up that morning before Sean, so I made breakfast. He woke up and smelled pancakes, so he went into the kitchen.

"You didn't have to cook, that's something I should do for you." He said.

"Too bad, I wanted to." I said smirking.

"These are amazing!" He screamed.

"Thanks." I said while stuffing pancake into my mouth.

We finished breakfast and Sean said he had a surprise for me.

(A/N 898 words. Cliffhanger! Thanks for reading! Have a good day!)

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now