4 - L.A.

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(TRIGGER WARNING! Mention of suicide and self-harm. If you have a problem with these, please do not continue reading. You are important, and you are beautiful. You have a life worth living. I love you!)

Sean drove me to school the next day and I walked to class. On my desk, there was a note.

No one loves you, why don't you just kill yourself already.

I crumpled the note up and threw it in the trash. Ella came up to me and slapped me across the face.

"That's for hitting on my boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

I just ignored her and continued to sit at my desk. At this point, I knew the note had to be from her, or one of Damien's friends, considering the fact he wasn't there. I survived the rest of my classes until lunch, where I decided to text Mark again.

Y = You, M = Mark

Y - Life sucks

M - Yes it does, but what happened

Y - I was told to kill myself, then I was slapped

M - Please don't do that

Y - Well duh

M - ...

Y - Hello! You still there?

- 5 minutes later -

M - pack your bags, when you get home, you and Sean are flying to L.A.

Y - Awesome!

Y - Cya! Class time

M - Buh-Bye!

I went through the rest of the day smiling. There were a few times where I wasn't even paying attention where I was going, and I bumped into someone. I didn't care about anything, I just wanted to see Mark. When I got to my last class though, things changed.

"Okay students," the teacher said, "today we have an assembly. YouTube has become a big part of our lives in many ways, so we have someone extremely successful at that profession coming to an assembly, he goes by the name of jacksepticeye. Everyone cheered, but I just sat there. We all walked to the gym where the assembly was being held. When I saw Sean there, I gave him a 'please don't bring up our relationship' look. He smiled at me and I hoped he understood.

"Hello everyone!" He said.

Everyone screamed hi back. He began talking and then asked for questions.

"About anything, even if it's about the channel." He said.

I raised my hand and he called on me while acting like he didn't know me.

"Is septiplier real?" I asked while giving him a cocky smile.

"NO!" He exclaimed.

Everyone laughed, and the assembly ended shortly after. As everyone was walking out of the gym, I heard a group of girls talking.

"I would love to get me a piece of him if you know what I mean." one of them said.

I slightly gagged at the thought, considering the fact that he was my dad. As I was walking down the hallway waiting for everyone to clear out so I could get in Sean's car, I was pushed against the lockers again. This time, it was Ella. She had something in her hand. I looked at it while trying to figure out what it was. I finally realized it was a small multi-tool. I could see how she got into the school with it, considering the fact that our school was small and had almost no security.

"I didn't think you would obey the orders of my lovely note that I left you, so I decided to help you get started," she said while flicking out the knife part of the multi-tool.

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now