15 - Alive

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(Jack's POV)

"Mr. McLoughlin, we found her."

(Your POV)

I heard sirens outside as I was being dragged. He held the collar of my shirt tighter. We entered the attic. He brought me over to the small window that was about half my size. He held me up to it.

"I tried to raise you! To make you daddy's little girl again, but you were too much of a little shit to appreciate it! So what are you now huh? Do you still think you're daddy's little girl?"


I felt more alive than I ever had when I started to rebel.


"Jack is more of a dad to me than you ever were, and he isn't sick enough to still call me something like that."

He shook his head slowly and smiled.

"Goodbye baby girl."

I looked at him with a confused expression. He looked back with a smirk... then, I was thrust through the window. He dangled me there for a bit, but then it happened. He dropped me. I started to fall. I started to scream. My life flashed before my eyes.  After the first rough 13 years of my life, remembering it all made me happy.

(Italics = Flashback)

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine Jack."

"How do you know who I am?"

"I ran away from the orphanage, but before that, I watched your videos."

We smiled at each other.



"HOLY FUCK!" Mark screamed, "Jack is a teenage girl!"

Everyone laughed including me.

"Seriously though," Wade said, "who are you?"

"Hello, (Y/N) McLoughlin at your service," I said slightly bowing.

The guys laughed then all just smiled at me.


"You'll make it, you've got me, I'm sure you'll find someone, and don't be afraid to knock someone out." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I chuckled.

"Thanks....... Dad." I said

I saw him smile the biggest he had ever smiled.


I stood in the middle and they handed me a water bottle.

Mark was trying to put on a stupid mask and Ethan threw a dodgeball at his face.

"CHANGE!" He yelled.

They almost broke me and I stood there trying my best not to spit out water. I finally lost it when I heard Mark and Jack arguing about their hights.

"It's not the size that counts Mark," Sean said.

"You would know," Mark said.


I was just sitting on the couch. Not watching T.V., not thinking, nothing. I was just staring off into space with a blank mind. I finally snapped out of it when Sean came and sat next to me.

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now