12 - Sleep pt. 2

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(Jacks POV)

"It's all my fault Mark! She's gone and it's because of me! I thought she had locked herself in her room, but she's gone! I will never see my daughter again and it's because I was too dumb to do anything!"

"Jack, calm down. Everything is going to be fine. She is going to be okay. I'll fly to your house as soon as I can. The police will find her. I promise."

"Nothing is fine! Nothing will be fine! She's gone! My purpose is gone!"

"Sean... go to bed, okay. We'll find her. Get some sleep." With that, Mark hung up the phone.

I hadn't been able to sleep all night. The time on my phone read 2:37 AM.

"She probably doesn't want to come home. She hates me. I'm the reason her life is shit. She said she could manage that day I found her. I should have just safe-dropped her at the fire station. I love her more than anything, but I'm not fit to take care of a child." I said out loud to myself. 

I continued to think about everything she said while looking up at the stars from my window. I got lost in thought for a while. I finally snapped out of my hypnotized state of mind and checked the time. 3:00 AM.

"Sleep," I said to myself," Sleep. You'll wake up soon."

(A/N 225 words. Sorry about the short chapters! Thanks for reading. Have a good day.)

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now