6 - Mistakes

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(TRIGGER WARNING! Mention of suicide and self-harm. If you have a problem with these, please do not continue reading. You are important, and you are beautiful. You have a life worth living. I love you!)

(Your P.O.V.)

We got lunch and came back to Mark's house. Both of them had to record, so I followed Mark to his recording room and watched him record while I sat off-screen. I was trying not to laugh when he got angry. Eventually, I went to the kitchen because I hadn't eaten much at lunch. This was the first time I was actually hungry. As I was making a sandwich, I heard Jack screaming.

"BALLS!" He screamed from his recording room.

I laughed continued to make my sandwich. I sat down at the table and ate my food. As I was eating, I started thinking. I looked down at my wrists and walked to the silverware drawer. I grabbed a small knife and looked around. Mark and Sean were still in their recording rooms. I pressed the knife against my wrist and slid it just enough to make a cut. It was too small to do anything, but it still felt strange to do. Tears stung my eyes and I made two more cuts below it. I took the bandana off of my arm and wrapped it around my wrist. I took a deep breath and walked out to the living room to watch tv. After about an hour, Sean walked out of his recording room. He sat next to me on the couch.

"We leave tomorrow afternoon." He said frowning.

I nodded. It was hard to believe that we had already been here for a week.

I then went onto Twitter to take my mind off of everything. Jack looked at my wrist.

"Why did you move your bandana?" He asked.

"I wanted to," I said. It was hard to not tell him the truth.

He then grabbed my wrist and slid down the bandana. Fear flooded into his eyes. He hugged me and pulled me close to him. I started to cry.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Let's just talk about this, okay?"

"H-how did you know?" I asked.

"You were stressed, told to kill yourself, and you were alone for a bit. One thing led to another and as soon as I saw that you had moved the bandana, I had to check." He explained.

I pulled myself closer to him.

"You need friends that you can talk to about this sort of thing, branch out and talk to people, okay?" He said.

"Okay," I replied.

Mark came out of his recording room and sat with us. He looked at Sean with a concerned expression and I showed him my wrist. He gave me a hug and went into the kitchen. Jack and I started watching a movie, and about an hour into it, Mark came out with a bowl of his famous chicken and dumplings.

"Thanks," I said as he handed me a bowl.

That night Sean and I started packing up our things so that we would be ready to go when the time came.

We talked all night, and not about me, but just random things general. It was the first time I had laughed and felt truly happy in a while. At one point, we even started playing google feud and we all died laughing. Sean decided that it was getting too late for me to be awake considering the early morning we had ahead of us. I went to my room and for the first time in what felt like forever, I fell asleep smiling. 

(A/N 600 words. You are loved. Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!)

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