11 - Sleep

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I woke up in a small room. A familiar room. MY room... or should I say, my old room. This was my bedroom from when I was younger. I sat up to look around more.

"Holy shit," I said quietly to myself.

I looked over at the Hello Kitty alarm clock the was on my nightstand. 2:37 AM. I had been out a while. I could hear light snoring from the room next to mine. I was at my old house... with my father, and not the one I loved more than anything in the world. I stood up quietly and looked around the room. The bag that I had brought with me was gone. I looked at my small twin bed with pink and purple butterfly sheets. I was so different now. So much more mature. I looked over at my window. It wasn't locked, wasn't covered, it was just a normal window. I knew better than to try to leave though. I pulled the small chair in the corner of my room over to my window and sat in it. As I stared out the window, I started to remember the events prior to this moment. I told Jack that if this happened it was his fault. Now he probably believes that. I didn't even say goodbye. I felt a tear escape my eye. I wiped it off of my cheek. I had to stay strong. Jack would find me, I knew he would. I would be out of here soon enough and I would see Tyson, Mark, Sean, Ethan, Tyler, Bob, Wade, Robbin, everybody. I knew I would. I pulled the chair back into the corner quietly and went back over to my bed. I looked at my clock again. 3:00 AM. 

"Sleep," I said quietly to myself, "Sleep. You'll wake up soon."

(A/N 304 words. Thanks for reading, Have a good day!)

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