13 - Dead

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(Jacks POV)

Mark left about two and a half weeks ago. It's been a month since she went missing. They've found nothing. I've found nothing. My therapist says that I just need to come to terms with the worst. Judging by all of the evidence, she's gone. She's dead... and I didn't even get to say goodbye.

(Tyson's POV)

I can't focus on school anymore. My parents tried to comfort me, but at this point, no one even talks about her anymore. Jack has basically abandoned his channel. She's gone... and I miss her more than anything.

(Your POV)

I think they've given up. The police have searched everywhere, including the house. He stuck me in a small hidden cellar and they never knew I was even there. Everyone thinks I'm dead. In a way, they're right. I've given up. Living is trying, and I stopped trying a few weeks ago.

"(Y/N)!" I heard from the kitchen.

"Yes father?" I asked once I entered the room.

"I spilled my whiskey. Clean it up."

"Right away."

"Right away what?" He asked.

"Right away father," I replied.

His words were slurred, he couldn't stand right, and he was having trouble walking. He was drunk again. I grabbed a rag and cleaned the drink off of the floor. It stung my cuts as it dripped off of the rag and onto my arms when I held it up. I had been physically, emotionally, and sexually abused for weeks now. I had literally found hell. I finished scrubbing the floor and hung the rag over the sink. I poured a new glass and brought it to my father who was sitting on the couch while watching football.

"Took you long enough."

"Sorry father."

That word. That goddamn word. It hurt to say now. I didn't want to say it anymore. Jack was the only one that deserved to be called that word by me, but now, he might not ever hear me say it to him again.

(A/N 334 words. Chapters will get longer! Thanks for reading! Have an awesome day!)

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now