3 - New School, New Drama

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Y/N = Your Name

(Your P.O.V.)

"Get up!" I heard Sean scream from my doorway.

"No," I said while throwing a pillow at him.

He picked up the pillow and hit me with it. I rolled out of bed and grabbed the pillow.

"What?" I said while laughing.

"Get dressed, you're going to school." He said while handing me a Septiceye Sam bookbag.

"Wow, self-promo much?" I said while taking the bag.

"Knock it off." He said while walking out and shutting the door.

I got ready and came out of my room with my bag. I was wearing a Markiplier shirt, some jeans, and some converse.

"Wow, only promoting some of my merch." He said while giving me a cinnamon roll on a plate.

"Thanks, and yes," I said while giggling.

I ate my food and got in the car. Sean drove me to school.

"Are you going to brag about the best YouTuber in the world being your dad?" He asked while flexing.

"I'm probably not going to bring it up, I don't want people to use me to get to you," I said while looking out the window.

"I get that." He said while nodding.

We pulled up to the school and he hugged me.

"Have a good day, see you later!" He said.

"Bye!" I said while waving.

I walked into the school and just silently tried to blend in. I got to my first class and sat down in the far back corner.

"Get out of my seat kid." a deep voice said.

"S-sorry," I said while getting up.

I moved to a new seat and this time, no one bothered me.

"We have a new student with us, he name is (Y/F/N) McLoughlin." she pointed to me and I just waved. Luckily, it didn't look like anyone made the last name connection.

I went to a few more classes, then the lunch bell rang. I sat alone and got my phone out since we could be on them at lunch.

Y = You, M = Mark

Y - Hey

M - Aren't you at school?

Y - Yeah, but we can be on our phones at lunch

M - Cool, but don't you have friends you should be talking to

Y - You're funny

M - I'll take that as a no

M - Is anyone jealous of you

Y - No, I don't want to tell anyone

M - That's understandable

Y - So what are you doing

M - Getting ready to throw dodgeballs at Ethan

Y - Fun

M - You should talk to some people, you might actually make a friend

Y - Nah, I like being lonely

M - Wow, that sounds depressing

Y - lol

M - Go talk to someone

Y - No!

M - Well, I tried

Y - and you failed

Y - Bye, I gtg to class

M - Buh-Bye


As I was walking to class, someone grabbed my backpack and pulled me back.

"Hey new kid, what's with the lame shirt and bag?" They said

I wanted to snap they couldn't talk about either of them like that. I ignored it because I didn't want to risk letting out how I knew both of them.

"Leave me alone," I said while trying to walk away.

"New kids don't talk back, you may not know this, but I'm in charge here." He said while slamming me up against the lockers. "But maybe I can let it slide since your so good looking."

He grabbed my butt and I punched him in the nose. He let go of me and I ran to the principal's office. I explained what happened. They wanted me to call Sean, but I refused and went on with my day. For the whole day, everyone stayed away from me. They were afraid of me. I was once again not wanted. One girl came up to me though.

"Nice, I saw what you did to Damien." she said, "My name's Ella." She put her fist out to me.

"(Y/N)" I fist-bumped her and smiled.

"Nice shirt and bag." She said. I then noticed she a Tiny Box Tim attached to her bag.

"Thanks, nice keychain," I said.

I hung out with Ella for the rest of the day until I had to go home. Sean came to pick me up and I got in the car.

"Make any friends?" He asked.

"Yes, actually," I said smiling. "Also a kid grabbed my a**."

"WHAT!?!" He screamed and I could tell he was furious.

"I'm fine, I punched him in the nose, he won't be back at school for around a week," I said shrugging.

"You still should have called me or something!" He yelled while running his hand through his hair.

"I'm fine, I promise, stop worrying," I said.

"Just... Tell me if it happens again. Okay?" He asked while calming down.

"Okay," I said while nodding.

We go home and I went to my room and finished my homework. When I was walked into the living room, my phone buzzed in my pocket, I checked it and saw it was an unknown number.

U - I'm not done with you. I now have your number with the help of a friend. This year is going to be a living h**l for you.

As soon I read it I knew who it was. Damien. I knew it was too good to be true, Ella lied. She hated me, she just wanted to help Damien. I ran back to my room while wanting to cry. As I was laying on my bed while feeling emotionless, Sean came into my room.

"What's up, I usually hear you in the living room watching one of Marks videos by now." He said while sitting on my bed.

"I want to die." Was all I said.

"Don't say that, what happened?" He asked.

"Well, I don't have any friends, and I'm already being bullied," I said.

"You'll make it, you've got me, I'm sure you'll find someone, and don't be afraid to knock someone out." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I chuckled.

"Thanks....... Dad." I said

I saw him smile the biggest he had ever smiled. We went to the dining room and ate dinner, then, I went to my room and fell asleep.

(A/N 1049 words. Thanks for reading! Have an awesome day!)

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