7 - "Goodbye L.A."

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It was finally time to leave. I didn't want this vacation to end. The whole time I would tease them about Septiplier and considering it was me and they knew I was joking, they didn't really mind. Jack and I boarded the Plane after we said goodbye to Mark.

"Goodbye L.A." I said as we started leaving. Jack laughed and smiled at me.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Yeah, I actually am," I said.

"Ready for Vidcon this summer?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!" I said. He laughed and we didn't talk much for the rest of the flight. I fell asleep on his shoulder about 20 minutes into the flight and he just let me sleep until the plane landed. When we got off the plane, there was a large crowd of people that got off with us, but I saw one in particular.

"We need to go," I said before they could see me, "He's here," I said to Jack. He nodded and we got in the car as quickly as we could. We left and I was honestly relieved to be back home after so long. I was still slightly panicking though since I knew we had been followed. I can't go back there. I would actually be killed. I was finally happy with my family. I had the best dad in the world and the best uncle anyone could ask for. I knew Mark and Jack weren't brothers, but to me, they are. They are my family. When we finally got home, I flopped down on the couch and just laid there.

"Still tired?" Asked Sean while laughing.

"More nervous than anything," I said. He sat down next to me and started rubbing my back.

"You are going to be fine. Nothing is going to hurt you, I'll make sure of that." He said smiling.

"Thanks, dad," I said.

"Now," He began, "I'm hungry and you probably are too." He said.

"Very," I said. As I said this, Jack went to the kitchen and put a pizza in the oven. When he got back, he handed me the remote. I turned on the Markiplier Makes playlist and we both sat on the couch and watched it together. After about 20 minutes, he went back to the kitchen and brought us each back three slices of pizza and a coke zero. We laughed together and ate pizza for almost two hours until Jack sent me to bed. It was hard to believe that it was already 11:00 pm. I walked to my room and connected my phone to my record player/speaker. I picked an album from my iTunes library and listened to it while falling asleep.

(A/N 450 words. Okay, I'm really sorry this chapter is small, but I'm kinda having writer's block. Chapters after this will get better, I just need to make one to bridge a gap that would have been created. Please check the new update schedule if you get a chance. Thank you! Have an awesome day!)

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