8 - Happy Birthday!

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I woke up the next morning to a bunch of breakfast food.

"Happy Birthday!" Sean screamed as I entered the kitchen. I had completely forgotten, is that bad?

"How did you know? I never told you," I said.

"Well," he began, "When I adopted you, I got a copy of your birth certificate. One thing led to another and boom, now you're 14!"

"Thanks, Dad," I said smiling.

"Your presents are in the living room." He said, returning the gesture.

I walked out to the living room after I ate to see a huge stack of presents in the living room. I took a selfie in front of all of my presents and posted it to Twitter. Jack commented and said 'Notings too good for you today! Happy Birthday!' The first present I opened was from Mark. It was my vid con pass, a pair of Markiplier pajama pants that I had said I wanted, and a Hot Topic gift card. I texted him and thanked him. I opened the rest of my presents and I got a few Avengers things that I had wanted some of Ethan's merch, and some more Jacksepticeye merch. I also had gotten another Hot Topic gift card along with some pop figures, some CDs, some leggings, and mini backpack.

"Thanks for everything dad," I said while getting up and hugging Sean.

"You're welcome, kid." He said while hugging me tighter.

"Can we make a video?" I asked.

"Sure," He replied, "What do you want to do?" He asked.

"A cake baking challenge," I said.

"Deal." We shook hands.

Sean went to the store and bought cake flour, eggs, icing, and a bunch of other things. He got back and set up his camera in the kitchen and he offered to let me do the intro. He clicked record.


"Oh haha, very funny." He said.

We both had made our batters and mine was nice and smooth while his was chunky.

"Ewwww," I said while laughing and pointing to his batter as he dumped his into a cake tray.

"Why is yours so good?" He whined.

"Because I know how to make a cake by heart," I said while smiling.

"That's why you suggested this!" He yelled while throwing flour at me.

"Hey!" I replied while throwing some at him.

After our flour war, we frosted the cakes and obviously after we had judged each other, I won.

"Well, that was cake baking with my daughter. I wanna say happy birthday to my amazing daughter Y/N! If you liked this video, punch that like button in the face, like a boss, and, high fives all around. And I will see all you dudes, in the next video!"

And with that, we wrapped up the video and shut off the camera.

(A/N 490 words. Thanks for reading and have a great day!)

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now