14 - In Limbo

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(Your POV)

There's a place in between life and death. It's called Limbo. That's where I am right now. I've been cut, hit, punched, and kicked along with some other things so many times. The slits on my wrists have been repeatedly reopened. I'm surprised that I haven't lost all consciousness yet. I have more cuts on my thighs, arms, legs, face, and everywhere in between. I was laying on my bed while just staring at the ceiling.

"(Y/N)! I heard from the living room.

That's how it was every day. '(Y/N)!' this and '(Y/N)!' that. It was just constantly '(Y/N)!''(Y/N)!''(Y/N)!''(Y/N)!'. I started walking downstairs. To no surprise, he was drunk.

"You look pretty today." He said while stroking my hair.

"Thank you, father," I said.

"My room. 5 minutes." He said.

"Yes father."

He walked to his room and shut the door. I put my ear up to it and shortly after, I heard snoring. I crept over to the home phone sitting on the kitchen counter.

"991, what's your emergency?" The woman asked.

"Hello, my name is (Y/N) McLoughlin. I'm at 202 northbridge avenue. I being held in this house. Please send help." I said to the woman.

"The police will be there right away." She said before hanging up.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"You little bitch." I heard from behind me.


"I'm sorry," I said.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time. This is going to the worst thing you've ever experienced." He grabbed me.

I tried to fight back, but due to the pain all throughout my body and the lack of food and water for the past month and a half, I was too weak. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me up the stairs.

(A/N 287 words. I am so sorry they've been short, but they'll get longer soon. Thanks for reading! Have an awesome day!)

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