10 - Your Fault

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As we turned the corner to the subdivision that our house was in, that's when we saw him. My dad was back.

"Turn around," I said to Jack.

He saw him too and we found a place to park where we could see him but he couldn't see us. We waited there until he left.

"I'm fucked," I said as we approached the house.

"You're going to be fine," Sean said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

I pushed his hand off of me. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"You don't fucking get it! I'm fucked! He's a psychotic asshole that we can't turn into the police! He's already been arrested for what he did. I'm fucked. You can't save me this time. I will be kidnapped or killed or worse and you're going to feel like it's your fucking fault, and you know why? Because it partially is! You think you can save me just by saying things are okay but they aren't! You've taken no action. Fuck you! I'm going to someone that might actually help me!" I yelled as I ran in the house.


I ran to my room, locked my door, then pulled out a small multi-tool. I reopened the slits on my wrist, covered them up with the bandana, and packed my bag. The whole time, Jack was pounding on my door.

"(Y/N)! Open this fucking door! You don't talk to me like that! I'm sorry, okay? Can we talk?" He said.

I slung my bag over my shoulder unlocked my door and quickly ran to my open window. I lept out and started running. I was going to Tyson's. His parents were away on a business trip, so I figured if anyone could help me, it would be him. I had been running for a while and my plan was going perfectly... until I heard someone running behind me. I assumed it was Jack, so I ran faster and faster while trying to lose him. When I finally stopped hearing footsteps, I sat down to catch my breath. I picked up a pebbled I found on the sidewalk and threw it. As I was watching the pebble skip along the pavement, it was only then that I had realized that the footsteps had never stopped, but my heart was only pounding too loudly in my own ears for me to hear them. As I turned to look behind me, that was when everything went black.

(A/N 407 words. Spooky chapter! Thanks for reading, Have a good day!)

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now