9 - "Well Say Hello to Your First One"

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"Y/N, get up. You have to get ready for school." I heard from outside my door.

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute," I said.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. School. I hated that word. That word brings up bad memories. I hated school in general. The word, the concept, the people, just everything about it. After Jack made me breakfast, he drove me to school.

"Good luck. I love you." He said as I left the car.

"Thanks, Dad, I love you too," I replied.

I shut the door and walked into the building. Immediately, kids started talking to me and asking for my phone number just to get to talk to my dad. I quickly walked around from them and as soon as I escaped the crowd, I saw Damien and Ella, but they weren't walking to pick on me, they were walking over to someone I had never seen before. He was medium height, had perfect eyes, glasses, and was honestly the most perfect person I had ever seen. Damien slammed the kid up against his locker.

"Stop," I said.

They both looked at me.

"Why? You aren't gonna do anything about it," Ella said while defending her dick of a boyfriend.

"Yes, I will." I retorted.

"No, you won't. The worst you could do is go crying to your daddy." Damien said.

While we were arguing, I looked at the boy in the eyes and nodded for him to run. After he successfully escaped, I went up to Damien.

"I can break you. Do you really think that if the school was told that you hit me again they would let you still be on the football team? I don't think so. I suggest that you start leaving people along before your pride isn't the only thing that broken." I said.

"He can't hit you, but I can," Ella said. Just as quickly as she threw her punch, I grabbed her fist in my hand.

I don't remember my reflexes being that good. I guess that since I had started working out while we were in LA it made me better at more than I thought. They both had terrified looks on their faces and they ran. I'm a badass. I laughed to myself while people around were clapping. As I was walking to class, the boy stopped me.

"Thanks for helping me." He said. His voice was like butter.

"No problem. I was in that position myself once before." I said. He nodded.

"I'm Tyson by the way. Tyson Jones." He said while extending his hand towards me.

"(Y/N) McLoughlin," I said while shaking his hand.

"I know, you're Jacks daughter, right?" He asked.

"Yeah... now people just want to be friends with me because of him." I said.

"But your true friends don't care, right?" He asked.

"I uh... I don't really have any." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well say hello to your first one." He said while smiling and putting his arm around me. I blushed and smiled back.

"So you don't care about my dad?" I asked.

"I mean yeah, he's one of my favorites, but you're a beautiful girl with a great heart and a great personality that deserves a friend and I'm gonna be there for you." He said.

"Thanks, TyJo," I said.

"TyJo?" He asked.

"Yep, that's your new nickname, so get used to it," I said while laughing.

"Noted." He replied.

We walked to class together and sat with each other at lunch. I barely knew him and I had a crush on him. Throughout the day we got to know each other more and it felt like we had known each other for years.

"Wanna study for the Algebra test at my house tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, let me ask my dad," I said.

After Sean gave me the okay, we walked to Tyson's house after the final bell.

(A/N 675 words. Thanks for reading! Updates are finally back to normal! Have a wonderful day!)

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