18 - Panels (BONUS CHAPTER)

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2 Years Later

"One at a time please!" I shouted.

"Do you know Jack better than anyone else?" A man asked when it was his turn at the microphone.

"Probably. I've been living with him for three years, so I've gotten to know him very well."

I was at another convention with Jack. He got me my own time slot in one of his panels it was awesome. As I continued to look out at the crowd, I saw Mark, Bob, Wade, Felix, and Robin all sitting in the front row and waving at me. I gave a small wave back. I continued to answer a few more questions. I saw Tyson, my boyfriend of two and a half years, standing in the back and smiling at me. I smiled back. I answered another question. I looked over to the side of the stage where I could see Sean, the best dad in the world, standing next to my hopefully soon to be mom, Evelien. Both were smiling at me and Jack gave me a thumbs up. I loved them both more than anything. I answered three more questions. Lastly, I saw Ella and Damien. They were acting like they hated all of this, but they loved Jack's videos. They also thought I was kind of funny, they just didn't want to admit it. They weren't as awful to me now as they had been in the past.

"I have time for one more question," I said.

A woman stood at the microphone.

"If someone asked you what your EXACT relationship to Jack was, what would you say? Would you say you were adopted or not?" She asked.

"No, I wouldn't say I was adopted. Even though I was, Sean makes me feel like I've been with him from the start. If someone were to ask how I was related to him, I would just say I was one thing. His Daughter."

(A/N 262 words. Thank you for reading this whole thing! This is it. I've been holding onto this chapter for quite some time now, but I feel like now is a good time to release it. Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!)

His Daughter. A Jacksepticeye x Adopted Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now