chapter five / field day

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It was now Wednesday, two days before the play was to be performed. Anne had been practising her lines non stop with Diana after school, even though Diana was yet to tell her what role she was playing. Diana wanted to tell her bosom friend, but Anne just didn't want to know. As mentioned before, she wanted it to be a surprise. This made it all that much more exciting.

Anne and Diana planned to walked to school together that day, as they had a field day for their geography lesson. She saw her bosom friend waiting for her in their usual spot, and ran to her with open arms. They hugged each other, then linked arms on their way to school.

"I think that your coming along really well with your script Anne!" Diana voiced. "I think if we spent the last few days hammering the bits you don't know off my heart yet, mainly towards the end of the play, you are going to do spectacular!"

"Thank you Diana, although I can't take all of the credit. You have been a massive help to me. I am internally grateful for you."

Both Diana and Anne knew there was someone else Anne was internally grateful for, yet they hadn't spoken of him since Monday. No one had. Gilbert Blythe has been absent from school the next day, and so was Billy. Anne wasn't certain that Gilbert stayed home because of Billy, he had no need to because of a rat like him. She thought it was because of his unknown issues at home, however she couldn't be certain. Diana saw that Anne was thinking of him, and decided to bring the topic up.

"It was awfully kind of Gilbert to stand up for you the way he did." Diana didn't know what to say without sounding too forward. That was all she could come up with.

"It was indeed wasn't it...." she paused. She wanted to say more. Anne was sick of hiding how she felt toward Diana, so she let it out.
"I do feel extremely terrible. I am always so hard on Gilbert, but I never mean to do it intentionally. It's so... refreshing... in a way that he still helped me out. He was a great friend at that moment." Anne wanted it to be more, after Monday's incident she knew she didn't hate him; not anymore.

"Anne. I think we both know it's more than a friendship. Why are you trying to deny it? Gilbert isn't anymore.."

"What do you mean.? Gilbert isn't anymore..?"

"Anne you both are into each other." At this point Diana gave up on trying to not being forward. She needed to state the facts. "I think Gilbert has loved you since the first day you two meet, and I think it's the same for you too. It's just taking you a lot longer to realise it."

"But I have realised it Diana" Anne muffled these words. She couldn't believe she was finally admitting them to someone, but she wasn't about to openly lie in front of her best friend. Diana stopped in her tracks and faced Anne.


"I think, subconsciously, I've known for a long time. But it scares me Diana. It really truely does. There are so many more prettier girls out there, and I don't understand why he has 'chosen' me. He will most likely be bored of me and then leave me, and it will break my heart..."

"You love him too don't you.." Diana knew they were, but she needed Anne to admit it. She needed Anne to say the words out loud. Before anything, they were at the Avonlea school; and the first person they saw was Ruby Gillis.

Anne would of never pretended to hate Gilbert Blythe if it weren't for Ruby. She is in love with him. Everyone knew it, especially Anne. Diana looked Anne who finally spoke;

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