chpater nine / sunset dreams

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The weekend was about to pass over Avonlea. It was late Sunday evening - the play was a huge success, and continued to be talked about long after it was done, and most likely would be a long time after.

Both Anne and Gilbert had spent both Saturday and Sunday with each other due to their new found 'relationship'; well, they didn't know what they were. They both knew what they wanted to be; girlfriend and boyfriend, but both found it extremely hard to voice.

Anne woke on Saturday morning and almost immediately met up with Gilbert. The two explored the forest, and discovered the most beautiful patch of wild flowers the two had ever seen. They marvelled at its beauty.

"Isn't it ever so extravagant!" Anne was astounded.

"It sure is." Gilbert realised.. however he wasn't looking at the flowers. The two danced within the meadow, singing and cheering gleefully. Gilbert picked up a beautiful dandelion, and placed it through Anne's hair, so that it was resting on her ear. She smiled faintly, and kissed his cheek. He giggled. He wasn't use to having her show so much love, but loved it nethertheless.

As they walked back to their homes late that night.. they only then realised they had spent all day together without even realising. In their defence, they didn't really mind at all.

Then come Sunday, the two meet up towards late afternoon. They ventured out to the Barry's pond, and only just arrived toward sunset.

As the sun was setting amongst the Lake of Shining Waters, the two lovers were admiring the view. The yellow ball of fire changed to orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun. Silhouettes of birds flew home across a sky that was now magenta; and the sun was half into the water, but its reflection in the sea made it look complete. It was all quite romantic in a way.

Anne had her head resting upon Gilbert's muscular shoulders. She could feel when he breathed, and couldn't help much think; why did it take me so long to admit to myself how I felt. She could of experienced more moments like this.

They admired the view in front of them. They didn't need to talk to each other to enjoy the company. The love they felt toward each other was indescribable, so undeniable and clear that there weren't enough words to describe the feeling. Gilbert wanted... needed to ask Anne what they were. He wanted to do it by the end of the sunset. He wanted to finally be able to call her his own, and show her off to the world.

He looked at her; my god, she truely is beautiful... he thought. Her eyes sparkled due to the sun, and he couldn't help but get lost into them whenever he looked into those captivating eyes. As he turned to her face, she moved her head from his shoulders, and looked at the boy.


"Yes Gilbert?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." Anne couldn't help but laugh at her lame joke, and felt proud when she saw Gilbert chuckle.

"I'm being serious.." he placed his hands around her shoulders , and turned them so that she was now facing him.

"Looking out into the horizon, I couldn't help but remember when I was on the steam boat. I would look out at the sea every chance I could, to imagine myself back in Avonlea. I told myself when, if, I came back, I would do a few things, settle them out...." he paused, making sure she was still listening, which she was.

"One was to tell Ruby, politely, that I wasn't interested in her the way she was in me. I managed to do that. Another was to talk to a particular bully at school, which I can successfully say that I accomplished!"

They both laughed.

"But one thing.. the main thing I wanted to do.. ask.. involves you Anne." She tensed, and began to overthink everything. Was he going to call it quits with her, before it even officially begun?

"I wanted to know... or hope you would.. I mean I don't want to force you into anything but.. it would mean the world if.. again... you don't have to oblige-"

Anne had never seen Gilbert so nervous. She held her hands tight into his. He relaxed, but still felt extremely nervous.

"I was wondering if you would do me the honour of being my lady..."

As Anne went silent, he instantly regretted it. She obviously wasn't interested in that way. Maybe the kiss(es) were nothing? Anne cupped her hands over her mouth. She was gobsmacked, and for once in her life didn't know how to react. Gilbert begun to overthink; and rose to his feet.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't of asked... I just hoped we could take the next step. I best be off.." He stumbled to his feet, hand rubbing against his neck, eyes adverting to anywhere but Anne.

Anne had to laugh. Now he was the one being oblivious. She quickly stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around him, to which he instantly turned around.

She rose onto her tippy toes, and kissed him on the lips. This kiss, looking over at the Lake of Shining Waters, could only be described as perfect. When she let her lips leave his, they rested their fore-heads against each other. As he leant in for another taste of her soft lips, she pushed herself herself slightly away, so she could look into his eyes.

"Of course Gilbert. But only if your sure, and only if you have really thought it through. I'm not one of the prettiest girls, so I do warn you that you might get harsh looks or awful comments said about you, and I really don't want that for you. You have such a reputation to uphold. I wouldn't want to be the one to ruin that for you."

As she finished, she now looked at the ground. She felt slightly embarrassed. Ashamed. Cruel words were so oftenly spoken about her she began to believe them, and that broke Gilbert's heart.

He, like last time, slightly pushed her chin up to his. He spoke in a soft tone, one in which would melt any girls heart, no one more than Anne Shirley Cuthbert.

"Anne.. I don't go for looks, even though I must admit that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever lied eyes upon. Your smart, caring, brave, strong and determined. Those are the qualities that I fell in love with, and will continue to do so. I don't care as to what people think, as they are the ones missing out.."

He paused, and pulled her into him. They were closer, barely millimeters apart. This is how he wanted her. Always by his side, through their best and worst moments. Their triumphs, their loses, he wanted to experience it all with her.

"I want to be with you, only if you feel the same." He awaited for her answer. It seemed like an eternity before she replied;

"It would be my greatest pleasure!"

They beamed with happiness. They looked out at the sunset again. It was almost covered by the crystal clear water, and in that peaceful moment, only love was surrounding the two.

authors note; sorry this chapter is so short.. the next chapter may also be short like this, but don't worry because I have got a real cute idea coming up, what did you think of this chap? X

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