chapter twenty two / reunions

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"Cole!" Anne spoke with confusion, but with the ever lasting feeling of happiness.

She ran into his arms, feeling his warmth as they huddled together. Moments later Diana jumped in the middle of them both, all laughing hysterically.

"It's so good to see you.. but why are you here? How long are you staying? I'm so confused."

Anne spoke quickly as she was over excited. Fortunately, Cole had been used to her quick chatter.

"I'm only staying for the night, which means we only get one full day together."

He was saddened by the short time he had with his best friends, but intended on fulfilling it full of adventures and gossip.

"Well let's not waste the time we have then." As Diana and Anne headed for the door, Cole stopped them, smiling from ear to ear.

"Actually, I have planned something already for us. Grab your coats, and let's go!"


The girls were blindfolded, unable to see where Cole was leading them too. Their anticipation grew the more they couldn't see, and as both girls were impatient, Cole had to deal with far too many unnecessary questions. 

"Where are we going?"

"Are you leading us off a cliff?"

"Are you taking us to the beach?"

"Maybe he is taking us to the schoolhouse Diana, of how marvellous!"

"Only you would say that Anne." Diana laughed at this, as she knew it was true.

"Both of you, stop asking so many questions. You will ruin the surprise."

"Oh but Cole.." Anne whined. "Surprises are far too surprising. What if I don't like the surprise, or what if I die before you tell me what is going on. I will be in the afterlife with one burning question piercing through my skull, haunting me until the rest of my ghost days. Do you want that life for me Cole? Do you?"

Cole giggled at Anne's gift to always over dramaticise any situation.  It was her most obnoxious yet spectacular characteristic.

As the girls continued to walk, Cole stood in front of them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders to indicate to stop.

"I present to you..."

He took of the blind folds.

"Sunflower valley."

Diana and Anne were speechless, as Cole smiled proudly.

"I found this place a while ago. I was feeling a lot, and didn't know where to go..."

He slightly choked on his words, but made sure to not falter.

"As I was walking through the woods, I came across this place. It's quite pretty isnt it?"

Diana couldn't answer. She was in so much awe, admiring the sweet, yellow flowers.

"Pretty isn't even the right word to describe this place!" Anne slurred her words, as she took in the scenery.

As you looked out at the valley, bright yellow petals were visible at every turn, stretching for miles on end. The flowers were in even rows, all running sideways from where they were looking.

Anne had realised Diana had run into the field, sliding her fingers along every flower and she ran past it. Cole had followed Diana, which then left Anne alone. But not for long.

As quick as a cheetah, Anne glid through the flower rows, her laugh filling her up with energy and spirit. She twirled in circles as she ran, feeling the cold wind through her hair, allowing her dress to swing with her.

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