chapter twenty three / coming home

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Anne, Diana and Cole had all awoken within the early hours of the morning. They wanted.... needed.. to savour every last moment that they had together.

Cole was the first to wake, his mind thinking long and hard about something he had kept secret from his two best friends.

He wanted to move back to Avonlea. Yes he had people in Charlestown to which he loved and cared for, but in general, he felt alone. Insignificant. As if he belonged their at first, but overtime realised where his heart belonged. His home.

Before he made his decision, he wanted to see how the day would unfold - if it wasn't just nostalgia kicking in.

Cole had never slept over at one of his friends houses before, let alone at a girls house. He felt awkward, as he didn't know what to do until Diana and Anne woke up.

Making his way quietly downstairs, he saw a pencil stacked upon a pile of blank paper. He longed to be able to draw again; he hadn't dared to pick up a pencil or quill since he knew his wrist was damaged.

However it had now been around one year since Billy's cruel and villainous act.

Curious to see if his hand had healed, he grabbed the paper and pencil and sat at the dining room table.

Formulating an imagine in his head, he closed his eyes, his hand gliding across the page, recreating the scene he imagined. His eyeballs rolled to the back of his eyes, his hand moving softly yet precisely. His breathes were slow as his mind was focused, determined.

By the time Anne and Diana had awoken, coincidentally 5 minutes apart from each other, they both had gotten dressed and headed downstairs. They were surprised when they saw Cole.

"Good morning Cole!" Anne beamed.

"What are you doing?" Diana questioned.

Cole didn't answer, which surprised the girls. They walked onto the opposite side of the table so that they were facing him.

Coles eyes glowed, his heart full of proud and accomplishment. He turned the page around from his chest, and showed the two inquisitive girls what he was so content with. It was a drawing of the Avonlea schoolhouse. It was detailed, intricate, perfectly drawn with appropriate shading included.

"My hand has healed!"

Cole couldn't help but choke on his words, happiness overwhelming him completely.

"Cole... it's beautiful." Diana complimented.

"I'm so happy for you cole! This is amazing news. I do think however you should continue your sculpting - or at least teach us how to do it. I think that sculpting has much more sense of the imagination, more possibilities to create new and different creations, all beautifully executed of course. It's ingenious and spectacular, and a craft far more people should be involved in, don't you agree? Oh but your picture really is stunning. How I wish I could draw as you do!"

As Anne took a breathe, Diana and Cole both spoke quickly, making sure they had a chance to speak before Anne continued to ramble on.

"Thank you Anne and Diana, really it is nice to hear such kind compliments on my work." Coles gratitude was genuine, not with the slightest hint of cockiness.

"Since Anne brought up the topic, do you mind teaching us how to sculpt. I've always wanted to learn, and believe it would be far more entertaining then needle point."

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