chapter nineteen / things heat up

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It had been almost one week since the holidays had begun for the children of Avonlea. Most of Anne's friends had left Avonlea right after school had finished, to travel with their families. This had left Anne on her own.. well almost alone. She did have Jerry of course, and Gilbert.

On the last day of school, Anne and the girls had planned to have a group sleepover on the second Monday of the holidays. It was to be at Ruby's house, as boys were allowed to sleep there overnight - Marilla did not have this policy at Green Gables.

The sleepover would include; Anne, Ruby, Diana, Tillie, Jane, Josie, Moody, Charlie and Gilbert. Anne hadn't seen her friends in over a week, and was bursting with anticipation to see them all again. She was also electrified at the though of seeing Gilbert again; god she missed him.

As it was nearing Christmas in Avonlea, the wether had started to get colder, and snow was beginning to fall.

As Anne left for Ruby's house, she stepped outside, instantly turning into an icicle. The cold hitting Anne like a bus. Even though the sun was still out, it was evident snow was on its way.

She ran back inside and grabbed her coat and scarf, then was on her way to Ruby's house. As she passed the barn, she saw that Jerry was working. She felt terrible for the boy - all he wanted was to go to school and make new friends. Friends.

Anne stopped instantly. She turned back for the barn and called out to Jerry.

"Jerry!" Anne roared.

"Anne!" He replied, trying to mock her.

"Don't attempt to imitate me Jerry, I was about to do something kind for you." She sounded slightly annoyed, but then again, always did when it came to Jerry. Their brother-like-sister relationship was as real as could be.

"Do you still have some spare clothes here, at green gables?"

"I do, why?" Jerry was confused.

"Come down from there, with your clothes!"


"Jerry come on, your coming to a sleepover!"

Jerry had made his way down to the bottom floor of the barn. As he heard Anne say those words, your coming to a sleepover, he stiffened, feeling insecure and out of league.

"I don't think that is such a good idea Anne. I wasn't invited for a reason..." He looked at the straw along the wooden floor, avoiding eye contact with Anne.

"Ooh stop pitying yourself Jerry. If you don't wish to go come, then don't. I was mearly just offering you to have some fun and meet more of my friends!"

Anne turned away in anger. Why was it that whenever she tried to be nice to Jerry, he had to retaliate. She walked out of the barn, stomping loudly and heavily, her eyes looking straight ahead of her. Her temper almost resulted in her completely blocking out the nose of a desperate farm boy.

"Anne!" She turned around in haste, noticing that Jerry was following her with his bag.

"I will come. However if Ruby doesn't want me to be there and asks me to leave, I will blame it on you for making me feel unwanted..."

Anne loosened up. "How can you be unwanted when you have your family, my family, Diana, Gilbert and ruby as your friends. Let's go..!"

She wrapped her arm around Jerry's, and set of to the Gillis house. Jerry never understood
Anne's mood swings, but had learnt, like everyone else, to just roll with it.


Anne and Jerry were arm in arm as they approached the Gillis house. They knocked on the door, and was instantly answered by an excited Ruby.

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