Chapter 1

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*BEEP!* *BEEP!* BEEP!* went the small, pink cat-shaped alarm clock that sat on the side table opposite my bed.

"WHAA?!"  I shot up like a lightning bolt and whacked the alarm clock right off the table and it hit the ground with a small thud and out spilled the batteries. 

"Great," I said as a toppled out of bed and reached for the batteries. I shoved the batteries back into the clock, scooped up my towel and headed for the bathroom. 

I slid open the bathroom sliding door and dropped my towel into the off-white sink and as I was about to strip down and hop into the shower I heard an angry bang on the door.

"What do you want now Maddie?" I called out to my younger sister who I somehow knew was behind the door.

"Are you naked?" She replied.

"Why?!" responded clutching my soft, pink, kitten-covered towel to my chest knowing that she would attempt to steal my towel.

"I have to get in the shower because my bus is early, Jessica says its 10 minutes away!" she lied.

"Jessica doesn't catch the bus, neither do you!" I shot back at her as I locked the door and dropped the towel back into the sink.

10 Minutes Later

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my soft towel around me and shot out the bathroom hoping that my sister hadn't stolen my hairbrush. I speed-walked into my bedroom and plopped down onto my flowery sheeted bed and stared at the posters and pictures that seemed to be looking back at me. I looked over to one photo imparticular. It was me, standing next to a purple-haired girl. 'Yammy,' I said to myself. I looked over to my cat-shaped alarm clock. 'YAMMY!' I said again, this time in a more shocked tone. 


"YAMMY!!" I said as I slapped on moisturizer and pulled my prepared outfit off my desk. I rubbed in the moisturizer threw on my clothes and ran downstairs. I sprinted to the kitchen where my sly looking sister greeted me sitting in my chair next to my phone eating my breakfast and using my hairbrush.

"MADDIE!" I yelled as I stepped towards her wanting to strangle her.

"You got a text." She pointed out  "From Joel." 

"J-Joel?" I said hesitantly. "What did he say?" I asked.

"Lizzie! Yammy's here! Are you ready?" My mother called out.

"Oh, crap!" I snatched the remains of the granola bar out of my sisters had along with the hairbrush and phone and I rushed to the door.

"Hey, Lizzie!"

"Hi Yammy, my sister took my hairbrush again and my alarm clock broke..."

"Whatever." She remarked sarcastically.

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