Chapter 10

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"I'm not supposed to tell you this... but," he stammered "Laura isn't the one behind it all."
"What? That's ridiculous! Of course she is!" I yelped.
"Lizzie, Laura used to be your best friend. Even ex-best friends aren't that cold towards each other."
"B-but all the times she was so awful to me, the name calling and- and the..."
"Lizzie, you have to believe it." He sighed. "Laura isn't the person trying to get rid of you and Joel's relationship it's-"

"I'll tell you later!" He said and he scooped up the books that were beside him and ran off to class.
"Oli!" I yelled after him.

2 Hours later

I stepped out of class, clutching onto my homework. Soon the halls flooded with students and teachers. Through the swarm of people I spotted a bluey haired Yammy across the hall.
"Yammy!" I called out to her, as she turned around and waved wildly.
I managed to make my way over to her and he set off to our lunch area in the cafeteria where we usually eat with the whole group.
When we got there, there were two people missing. Joel and Oli weren't sat in there usual spaces, on the left side of the table, across from me and Yammy.
I looked over to Yammy, then across the lunch room. They were nowhere in sight.

"Where are those dorks?" Yammy asked Scott as she sat down.
"Oh, they are... um..." he started, "uh.."
"Go on then," She said annoyed.
"Bathroom," Sasha butt in, whacking Scott over the head slightly.
"What're you all up to...?" Yammy asked skeptically.
"Nothing!" Scott choked.
"Right. That's it," Yammy rose, "C'mon Lizzie, we're gonna find out what's happening here."
"It's a surprise!" Scott shot up and pushed Yammy's shoulders down from across the table, signaling her to sit down.
"What, like a party?" I said suspicious of them.
"Yes! Exactly! Don't tell them I told you!" Scott said as he and Yammy sat down at the same time.
"Okay..." me and Yammy chorused as we glared at him showing him we were suspicious of him.

After lunch was over I had English, so I headed straight there.
"Lizzie!" I heard Oli pant from behind me, "Lizzie, wait!"
"What? I have to get to class, Oli," I said rudely as I turned to face him.
"D-do you want to know who's trying to tear you and Joel apart or whatever." He choked, still panting.
"Well, yeah. But, why are you panting?" I said, he looked odd. His face was all red and sweaty, his hair was flattened down to his forehead, probably from sweat.
"I had gym class, we had to run 3.5 miles, a-and I forgot water. But anyways, the person, it's- it's.." He began,
Perfect. Timing.
I ran down the halls to the nurses office to alert her that Oli had passed out and she thanked me and notified the principal, just seconds later; 'No students are permitted to enter the corridors between class 4e and 5b until said otherwise.'
Great, now I can't hand in my homework.

I sat outside, in the courtyard for a while. We still weren't allowed back into the corridors so I couldn't get to class, and it had been at least 30 minutes. Suddenly a scrunched up piece of paper landed a few feet in front of me, so I picked it up and unscrunched it.
"It's the mother." The paper read.
What? I thought to myself. 'What does this mean?' 'Who's mother?' 'Would Yammy know?' I folded the paper and stuffed it into my backpack and set off to find Yammy.

I could see Yammy a mile away, her bluey purple hair stuck out like a sore thumb. I marched across the courtyard and grabbed Yammy by the arm. I explained to her the whole situation with Oli passing out and the paper.

"Wait, let me get this straight, Oli says it isn't Laura, he begins try's to explain who it is, then 'coincidentally' a price of paper drops in front of you saying 'the Mum'? It all fits in too perfectly!" She yelps as she punched my arm.
"Lizzie! Joel's Mum is trying to split you up! But... why?"
"We... should try figuring that out."
We shot up and stormed to the nurses office. We we shoved open the door, there wasn't anyone on sight. Except the nurse.

"Miss! Miss!" Yammy yelled as she scurried up to Nurse Wilson.
"Yes dear?" She asked sweetly.
"Was a boy named Oliver in here earlier today?"
"Why, I do believe so. Is he your friend?"
"Yeah, do you know where he would be now?"
"Hmm... I think I sent him home, I'm not too sure. Let me check." She said as she picked up a large book and flicked through the pages.
"Here! Oliver, home room 13A, sent home after he woke up." She read, "Does this help you at all?"
"Yes! Yes! Thank you so much!" Yammy squealed as she tugged my sleeve.
"Let's go!"
"Oh and Lizzie, good luck with that boy of yours. Bye now!"
"Thanks Miss, bye!"

We rushed out of school and jumped into Yammys car.
"Next stop, Oli's house." She said it like a movie and we shot off, without even putting our seatbelts on.
"Slow down!" I yelled.
"Not until we get to the bottom of this."
I was mad, but also happy. Yammy was willing to get a hundred dollar ticket, just for me!

She pulled up at Oli's driveway, scrambled out of the car and banged on the front door so loud I thought she was about to break it.
"Oli! I know you're in there! You have some explaining to do!"
He opened the door slowly.
"C-come on in, guys."
He led us to the living room and we all sat down.
Yammy explained the whole situation, when it should've been me explaining but I didn't mind.
"It's the mother... it's the mother..." he repeated.
"Yeah, we know about that and we know you know about it, so quit playing dumb."
"Sorry, I think I have a bit of memory loss from when I fainted. The nurse said I must've hit the ground hard, cause there's a giant bruise at the back of my head!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just tell us what you know!" Yammy yelped impatiently.
"Okay! I'm pretty sure it's..."

To be continued...

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