Chapter 13

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Truth is, I wasn't over him. I've liked him since I was 13 and it was just my first year of high school, when I first saw him...

"Liz! C'mon, we'll be late for our first ever class in high school! This is so important!" Yammy nagged. Her hair was a dark brownish-black, her eyelashes were thick and sat on her sunken chocolate eyes. She wore an ashy-grey, oversized knitted cardigan over the top of her 'lucky t-shirt', which was really just an arctic monkeys band shirt.

I looked around and noticed nobody had left the bricked hallway.

"Yam, class doesn't start for another - what, like quarter-of-an-hour?"

"Yeah, but you can never be too early!"

She swept me off the floor and dragged me along to our class.
She was rushing through the halls, almost falling every second step.
She rushed swiftly through the halls but I tugged her arm to a halt.
I fell backwards, but Yammy didn't stop to help me up. My vision went fuzzy, as it would after running into a cold, hard, metal door.
I made out the faint silhouette of a hand reach out in front of me.
"Need a hand?" a smooth soft voice said
Immediately I grabbed their hand, and they pulled me up.
"So, how's your head?"
"Do you wanna go to the nurse?"
"No, I think i'll be alright."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, thanks. I'm Lizzie, by the way.. in case you were wondering.." I looked up at his face, he pushed his thick brunette hair out of his eyes to reveal a glistening chestnut brown.
"Wow!" I exclaimed, not being able to hold in my outburst.
"What? Are you hallucinating? What?!"
"Oh, no, it's.. uh.. nothing. Just your eyes.. they're so pretty... heh." I stammered awkwardly.
"Oh! Well, thank you, that's so sweet! I was gonna say, your eyes are so gorgeous, but I didn't wanna come off creepy.. haha."
"Awwe," I thought to myself, "Thanks."
"I really gotta get to class, see ya later!"
"Wait, just a second! Please?" He tried to grab my shoulder but i wriggled out of his grasp and was already halfway to my class.

I was never quite able to make out what Joel called out to me as I was running off. I could still hear him, but his voice was muffled as the stampede of students grew to fill the halls.
"Wait..." I thought to myself, "What if Joel asked me to hang out with him?! Ugh, I sure hope he did, 'cause if he didn't, then I'm gonna regret this..."
I picked up my phone, and called out;
"Hey siri, call this number."

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