Chapter 3

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I begin walking to my locker when Joel catches up to me.

"Lizzie! Hey, Lizzie!" He calls out to me as I turn around to look at him.

"Lizzie," he says calmly. "What's your first class today?" he asks panting slightly.

"Umm..." I say, checking my timetable, "English. You?" I ask.

"Me too! Do you wanna.. sit together." My cheeks go pinker than in the car.

"S-S-Sure!" I stammer.'

"Great!" He says. 

I hear a phone go off, it's my phone. I turn it on and my first notification is from my sister,

'Where are you going for your date? 😀"

"Oh my god!" I say to myself, a little too loud.

"What is it?" Joel says excitedly.

"Oh, uh. My sister just asked me where we are going for our date..." I explained.

"Date?" He asks, he scrunches up his forehead, showing confusion.

"Oh. Nevermind." I say. I shove my belongings into my locker and run for the bathroom.

"Lizzie! Wait!" He tries grabbing my shoulder but I wriggle out of his firm grip and continue running.

"Ugh! Idiot! I'm such an idiot!" He says to himself slapping his forehead.


Students fill the halls as everyone tries to make their way through the crowded halls and get to class on time.

I sit in the stall furthest from the bathroom door. I sit with my knees up to my chest with tears running down my cheeks. I sniffle, every time I do so a whiff of the almost toxic smell of the bathroom flies up my nose.

"Lizzie? Are you here?" I hear a voice say. It's a familiar voice, one I hear every day.

"Y-Yammy," I say softly.

"Lizzie! Let me in, we need to talk," she says, knocking on the stall door.

I reach forward and unlock the door to let in my friend.

"Lizzie. You can't miss class, you're a straight A student! Come, lets clean you up." She said taking my hand and pulling me off the toilet. 

We walked up to the mirror and Yammy pulled a smaller bag out of her backpack. She unzipped the mini bag and pulled out a couple tubes of some kind of makeup.

"Let me put these on you!" She says twisting the cap off of the foundation and concealer.

She does my makeup and when she finishes she grabs a comb out of her makeup bag and begins dutch braiding my hair, one braid on each side.

After 20 minutes my makeup and hair are done.

"Wow!" Yammy says, "You look amazing! I am too good!" She exclaims with a giggle.

"Tell me, Liz, why did you come here? You only come here when you're upset. What's on your mind?" She asks, touching up my braids with bobby pins.

"I-I, I got a text from Joel earlier today, he asked me on a date, like I said this morning. I asked him a bit ago about the date and he just replied with 'date?'" I explained, blinking back my tears.

"Aww...Lizzie!" She exclaimed feeling sad for me. "Are you sure Joel sent that message? Does your sister know your phone password? Maybe she changed her name in your contacts!"

"Yammy you pure genius!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms tightly around her in a hug.

"Let's get to class, okay?" She suggested.

"Okay." I agreed.

We walk down the once crowded halls when a certain someone stops us.

"Do you have a hall pass?" The person says confidently.

"," I say shyly and look over to my self-assured looking friend "not that I know of."

"Don't worry, Mr. Applejay ran out of hall passes, so he let me out of class for free. You can ask him if you don't believe me!" Yammy said confidently with a wink.

"Oh, well then continue on with your day." He said hesitantly.

"Thank you, Dan."

We continued strolling down the empty halls until we reached class.

"After you," Yammy said kindly as she opened the door to a surprisingly quiet classroom.

I looked around nervously, trying to find where Joel was sitting so I could avoid contact with him. I had made such a fool of myself in front of him, he had probably told the whole school by now! And to my dismay there he was, staring straight at me, his eyes seemed to be glued on me. I didn't know how to feel, embarrassed? Anxious? Pleased? I looked around the class attempting to avoid eye-contact but anywhere I looked, there were just eyes staring straight back at me like I was some kind of princess that just roamed into class wearing a $10,000,000 gown. All of the emotions I didn't know to feel suddenly rushed from my mind to my stomach and before I could stop myself...

"BLARGHH!" In front of my whole class, I threw up. 




Even Yammy stepped away and gagged a little.

Worst. Day. Ever!

Mr. Applejay called to the class and made everyone go outside so that no one else threw up. He called the cleaner and asked for a volunteer to take me to the nurse's office. Someone stepped forward, not Yammy, but Joel. The reason I threw up.

"I'll take her, Mr A." Joel volunteered.

"Okay, here take this." He said as he handed Joel a hall pass.

"I thought you r-ran out of hall p-passes..." I said quietly.

"Oh, yes. Um...Mr. Lowman gave me a couple..." He said suspiciously.

Joel took my arm as we began walking down the halls, he stops us for a moment.

"Lizzie," he said gently, "I'm so, so, so sorry for being such an idiot this morning." 

"No, Joel, don't apologize. I was the idiot, I was gullible enough to believe that you would ask me on a date. It was just my sister playing tricks on me." I said, "God, that makes me sound so stupid!"I yelled, slapping my forehead hard enough it leaves a tingle and a bit of a mark.

"Do you, want  to go on a date?" He asked quietly, sweeping his thick brown hair behind his ear. 

My cheeks turned pink and I grinned so hard, the corners of my cheeks could reach my ears.

"Yes?" He asked shyly, looking at the ground and waggling his feet.

"YES!" I said excitedly anticipating the day of  our date which I just realized was unknown, "Would Saturday be okay?" I asked, "I have a family thing Friday and my sisters birthday Sunday..." I explained.

"Sure, 8 pm?" Joel said in the perfect tone-of-voice for this moment in time.

"Perfect!" I said excitedly, apparently too excitedly.


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