Chapter 11

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"Oli, for god's sake! Just get on with it!" Yammy yelled.

"Okay, sorry-" He began speaking but was quickly cut off by a dry, raspy sounding wheeze. "S-sorry, I just need a drink of water. Do you guys want anything?"

Oli wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his sleeve, and something red smudged across his face.

"Hey! What's on your face, Oliver!?" I yelled. I shot up and marched over to him. I licked my thumb and rubbed his head. I was like his grandma, I was scrubbing the dirt off his face.

"Nothing!" He snapped and slapped my hand away.

"Oli, this was all a setup, and you're going to tell me all about it. EVERY. LAST. DETAIL." I scolded, shoving him down onto his seat. This time I was his mother, he had just scribbled all over the wall, or maybe, broken my favourite vase, or perhaps... cut his hair off.

Yammy and I peered down at him. He stared back at us. He looked nervous, he was sweatier than usual. It made me glad, FINALLY, someone took me seriously. I intimidated him. It was a great feeling.

"Joel set it all up because of h-his mum. His mum hates you, Lizzie. I have no idea why he never told me. You're probably- you're definitely wondering 'What's the point of all this?' well, Joel came up with this 'genius' idea that I would pass out and get sent to the nurses office, then while I was in there he would throw that piece of paper off the roof to you. Obviously, you would then get suspicious and come find me to ask. That was when you were meant to come to the nurse's office and see me, but instead of me being there, it would be Joel. We had it all written down in Joel's journal. He made me go over to his house every day to run over it. I think his mum found the journal because I saw him talking to Laura through the window when he was meant to be at the nurse's office. Joel's mum loves Laura. She thinks they're made for each other. No doubt she was the one who put Laura up to it." Oli took one massive breath and checked his watch, "Holy cow! I just spoke for three whole minutes! Ugh, why can I never do that in a school presentation!?"

"Wait... let me process that." Yammy held her head, "Nope, can't process that!"

"We need to talk to Laura," I snapped.

"Also, we should get back to school. The principal is kinda gonna be waiting for us."

"Wait, you two got called to the principal after school too? Laura and Joel are gonna be there!" Oli smiled politely.

"We need to get back to school, Yammy! You're coming with us, moron!" I declared as I snapped my fingers sassily in Oli's face.

"Uh, no... I need to rest. I passed out!"

"That was genuine?" Yammy questioned.

"Yeah, this 'stick-to-the-plan' stuff is really stressful!"

We hopped back into Yammy's car and raced all the way back to school. The second we stepped foot into the stuffy hallway, the bell for the end of the day sung, and the intercom yelled 'Yasmin Smith, Joel Brown, Elizabeth Dwyer, and Laura Samuels please come to Principal Walter's office NOW!'

Yammy and I took our time strutting through the hallways toward his office.

"I'll take all the time in the world, Joel doesn't get the privilege of looking at me!"... is what I would have said if I thought it was true.

Suddenly, without even knowing it I blurted out "Hurry! I need to see Joel!"

"What!? No way!"

"We! We need to see Joel, for investigative purposes... obviously..."

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