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it was a cool winter morning, dew drops sat delicatley upon blades of freshly cut grass, melting snow from the previous nights snow fall filled holes caused by the overgrown roots of ancient oak trees. i was bundled up in a thick puffer jacket, woollen scarf and chunky boots. the sun began to rise across the lake, sending glimmering reflections across the soft ripples.

"it's so lovely out here, joel." i took a small sip of my hot cocoa as joel sat beside me on the damp bench, wrapping a tartan-patterned blanket around our shoulders.

we were at his lake house, the one his grandfather left just for joel in his will. a whole lake, just to themselves.

"i know," joel sighed softly, edging closer to me. "shall we go for a walk?"

"but it's barely six in the morning, it'll be freezing."

"c'mon, just a quick one." joel pleaded, jumping up from the bench he had just sat down on less than a minute ago.

"okay," i gave in, his honeypot eyes melted my heart. he reached his hand out, offering to help me up. i gave him my hand, and he lightly lifted me, careful not to make me spill my drink.

"you might want to leave that here." joel smiled cheekily, taking the drink from my hands, so he could hold my hand.

he took me down to the lakefront, decorated with pebbles and shells. i was in awe, it felt like we were so close to the sun. we walked along the lake, in complete silence, listening to the crunching of shells under our boots and early birds chirping. it was a symphony i would love to have on repeat for the rest of my life.

we reached a big boulder, blocking off the rest of the lake front, i was about to turn to joel, and reccommend turning around, when i felt his warm hands around my waist, lifting me up and sitting me down on the boulder.

"my love." he whispered as he pulled his hands away, "look how many times i can skip stones!" and just like that, we were back in highschool, he had a playful personality, cheeky smile, and a way-too-overgrown haircut.

"okay, 'my love'." i giggled, mocking his strange nickname.

he picked up a stone, an skipped it across the lake, "one... two... three... four... four!"

i laughed at his pathetic attempt, mocking him playfully.

"oh yeah? think you can do better?" he scurried over to me, picking me up from the big rock, gently putting me down, "i'd like to see you try!"

despite nearly being 23, he was still so childish, and playful, and cheeky, and bright. he was so optomistic, and happy. i loved it. i loved him. so, so much.

"okay!" i picked up a stone that was next to the toe of my boot, skimming it across the water, "three... four... five! ha-ha!" i rushed over him, pushing him playfully.

"i'll beat you." joel's expression intensified, before disappearing with a burst of laughter replacing it, "my turn." he skipped the stone, getting the smae amount of hops as he did before, a puny little four.

"my turn!"

we played many rounds, we didn't have a name for the game, but it was extremely competitive. there was no scores being counted, but it was obvious i was winning.

"joel, are you sure you want me to go again?" he was standing behind me, presumabley sulking at his poor loss, "i mean, i'm just going to beat you again."

"yeah, just one more round." he paused for a moment, going completely silent, before speaking again, "here, this is a good one."

i turned around to see the stone, almost certain he was sabotaging me. he was. it wasn't a good stone to skip at all, it was too box-like, too velvety.

"oh my god-" i practically fell to my knees, watching a small diamond reflect the morning sunrise. "joel, oh my god."

"lizzie. i love you so much."

"oh my god, joel."

"you mean the entire world to me, everything i do, i do for you. you're the reason we're here today, together. you're the reason i'm so happy, you're the reason i'm in love. so madly, deeply in love. every little thing about you, from the beauty of your pale skin, to the crazy colours of your hair. i love them. i love you."

my eyes welled with tears, happy tears. i was so surprised, and happy, and grateful, and so, so, so in love. my heart was so full, and beating so fast, it felt like it was about to explode out of my chest. i was speechless, i couldn't manage to even squeak out a single word, i just nodded my head vigorously, feeling the tears of joy roll down my cheeks.

"hey! i haven't even asked the question yet!" he smirked with a giggle, clearing his throat, "lizzie, my love, will you marry-"

"yes! yes! a hundred, thousand, million times yes!"


"jo-el! of course! yes!" i snatched the box containing a dazzling diamond and, closing it before dropping the box on the pebble-covered ground beneath us, and jumped forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and encasing him in the most magical, loving kiss i'd ever given.

he wrapped his arms around my waist, as he slowly stood up, towering over me, pulling me to my tip-toes to be able to reach his lips.

as he pulled away for breath, i watched as he leant to one side, picking up the box containing the ring i had dropped.

"it's beautiful, joel. but you don't need a ring to show me how much you love me." i reached out and closed the lid of the velvet box.

"i know," a cheeky grin grew across his face, "it's so people know you're mine, and won't try to steal you from me."

"that would never happen, joel." i stepped closer to him, staring up at his perfect face, decorated with a light stubble. before i could say anything, i felt his hand take mine, i felt the shakiness of his hands and  he slipped the ring onto my finger. the cool metal sat perfectly around my finger. he stared at the ring fondly, his face lit up. he lifted my hand to his lips, and kissed the ring lightly.

"love you," he whispered as he wrapped his body around me, turning me around so we stared at the lake together.

"i know," i whispered back, holding his hands that hung around my waist, "i love you too."



hello, beautiful people.
i've written this epilogue, but i might write another epilogue, of another special event in jizzie's story, or maybe i could write a bonus chapter? 
so let me know if you'd like that.

so for now, this is goodbye.

i am forever grateful for all of the love i've recieved whilst making this fic, and i'm eternally happy i could create something that you enjoyed.

love you all to the moon and back.

- erin x

p.s i'll put a new epilogue out asap if we can get 10 votes... otherwise you'll have to wait some more... i dn't make the rules. yes i do. 10 votes or no new epilogue.

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