Chapter 14

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"Hey siri, call this number."
"Okay, calling..."

No answer.

"Siri, try again?"
"Okay, on it."

No answer again.

"Ugh, so he calls me, like, 29 times then refuses to answer his phone? So be it. His loss!"

"Liz, come down stairs," I heard my mum call from downstairs.
"Fine, be there in a sec!"
I clambered down the stairs, in my black high top sneakers and massive grey hoodie that I wore as a dress.
"Miss Brown?"
"Yes, hello Elizabeth."
"Lizzie, who is this?"
"This is Miss Brown..." I slowed down and turned to look at Miss Brown, "Joel's mother..."
"Oh, hi, I'm Julia, Lizzies mum, as you can tell."
"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Lorraine."
"Miss Brown, Ill be back in just two seconds, I need to go grab... something."
"Oh, sure, but be quick, I have something I really need to discuss with you."

I ran back upstairs and slid into my room, swiftly shuffling through my desk drawers, bedside table drawers, and starting shuffling through my school bag, looking for it.
I picked it up and examined it one last time.
'It's his mum.' It read.
I ran back down stairs and slid into the kitchen, where my mum was stood, with Miss Brown opposite her, sitting on my favourite barstool.
"Excuse us, Mum, but I really need to talk to Miss Brown in private."
"Oh, well I will just take my coffee and go, then. Would you like anything, Lorraine? I'm sure Lizzie will grab something for you."
"No need, this will only be quick." I snapped before Miss Brown could say anything. I didn't want her to feel welcome. I wanted her to know that I knew what she was up to. She knew that I knew.
Mum left the room, so Miss Brown has to deal with me. I had to be harsh, this lady ruined the best chance I had with the best guy around
"Zip it, Lorraine, okay? I'll do the talking. You will only talk, when told to. Yes?"
"Oh, that's cute, Elizabeth, but I think-"
"I said ZIP IT, Lorraine. I'm not a mean person, but if I have to, I really can rip into somebody!"
"Oh, okay. We'll take turns, than."
I ignored her idiotic compromise, I knew either way, I would be doing all the talking.
"Explain to me this, 'Lorraine'. This is as thrown to my by Oliver, Joel's best friend."
"It's his mum... who's mum?"
"Joel's! Who's do you think?! You, Oli is talking about you!"
"I don't understand."
"The reason me and Joel couldn't be together, isn't because of his ex-girlfriend. It's because of you."
"Yes. I know."
"But, why?!"
"Can I y'all now, captain meany-pants?"
"Fine, but be snappy."
"It's because Joel has a reputation he needs to uphold. To maintain. Dating a pink-haired nobody with a YouTube channel dedicated to 'Call of Duty' is not going to help his reputation. Laura, however, is popular. And rich. And pretty. You, are not. I've seen you in the school yearbooks, Elizabeth. You are a nobody. You're in no clubs, cliques, teams, etc. I'm sorry, but I refuse to let my son date someone like you."
My jaw dropped. My heart shattered. All my insecurities that I didn't know I had, just slapped me in the face. I'd never really worried about my reputation before. Was I really that much of a nobody? Am I not pretty enough for Joel? Is wealth important in a relationship?
I dropped my head in shame.

"Get out." My mother poked her head out from around the corner and marched into the kitchen, standing face-to-face with Lorraine, "Lorraine Brown GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY talks to my daughter like that! How dare you?! Show up to put home unannounced and start insulting my daughter in her own kitchen? You need to get out of my house, and more importantly, get out of my daughters love life. Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong! She's a teenager, and so is your son! It's prime-time for them to experiment with their love life, and you can't control that! You know what you need to do? You need to get a hobby, and stop looking at pictures of teenagers that your son is into in the yearbook!"
"But I want the best for him!"
"And being popular is not that. You might as well pull the plug on his popularity now, cause the second he steps out of high school, popularity will get him nowhere. Ever."
"I guess you're right. Lizzie, I'll tell Laura to lay off and move on. If you and Joel still really like each other, I won't get in the way anymore."
She stood up to leave, but as she went to exit the front door I stopped her.

"Lorraine, can I call you that? Uh, anyways.. I think it's too late."
"What do you mean?" She turned and looked at me sympathetically.
"Well, Joel tried calling me earlier, but I was so mad I completely ignored everything. But then I tried to call him, twice, and he ignored me back. I think that was my final chance with him, Miss Brown."
"Oh my god, Elizabeth. I don't know what to say. I-I'm so sorry, for all of this. You two would probably be happily married by now!"
"Miss, we'd still be teenagers, either way-"
"I ruined your chance! Don't worry, Elizabeth, I can fix all of this!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'll try my best!"
"Thank you, so much."
"Oh, and Elizabeth, yes. You can call me 'Lorraine'."
"And you can call me 'Lizzie'."

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