Chapter 9

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The next morning was very different. I was usually excited to get to school, to see Joel. But now, I didn't feel that anticipation! It was strange to me...

I hopped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I put my hair up in a tight messy bun, so it wouldn't get wet.

After my shower I ran into my room.
I pulled out an outfit from my wardrobe. It was my favourite top. It was a tight white crop-top with a big pink heart in the middle. Inside the heart was black writing that spelled out 'WiFi' with a little wifi symbol underneath. I paired the top with a little black skater-skirt and my near destroyed black high top sneakers, and a black plastic choker. I did a natural make up look with light eyeshadow and lip gloss. My hair was still intact from the shower, and it looked pretty okay, so I left it, packed my bag and headed downstairs.

I was early, for once. My sister wasn't awake and neither was my mother. I poured myself a bowl of cereal, and a cup of tea and scrolled through my instagram and twitter feed.

5 minutes later I heard a 'Honk! Honk!' coming from outside.

"Coming!" I yelled as I wrote on a paper towel messily. The note read;
'Woke up early! Yammy picked me up as usual. See you after school. Love you Maddie + Mum xox'

I scrambled out the door clutching onto my school bag and was greeted by a blinding green car.
"You're not Yammy!" I said as I approached the car.
"Yeah, I told Yammy that I'd pick you up." A familiar voice said through the slightly tinted window.
"Uhm.. who are you?" I said shakily.
I heard the car door open, and out stepped a tall man, much older than me.
"DAD!" I screamed as a ran over and wrapped him in a big hug. "How is Phoebe and Ella and Jack? A-and you?!" Ella is dads step-daughter, and Jack is dads son. A few years ago Mum and dad got a divorce, and dad remarried Phoebe, a woman's daughter from his mum (my grandma's) book club.
"We are all great, Beth!" Most if my family calls me Beth, Lizzie sometimes but Lizzie is usually exclusive to friends.
"That's amazing! But I better get to school now, are you actually taking me?" I asked with my hands crossed.
"No, no. Yasmin should be here shortly. I'm going to go inside and speak to the others." He said as he gave me a fat kiss on the forehead and strolled into the house.

I walked down the driveway and sat on the curb, waiting for my best friend. Soon enough she whizzed down my street and pulled up just a few inches from where I was sitting. I rose and opened the car door to be greeted by a blue haired Yammy.

"What did you change the colour for?" I asked as I plopped into the passenger seat.
"She wanted a change." A voice squeaked from behind me.
"Oli?" I turned around fast to see who spoke.
"Yeah, Yammy made me sit in there l
the back so you two could talk." He said as he slid 2 earbuds into his ear.

I explained to Yammy the whole 'break up' situation, and she agreed that Laura was behind it all.

"Laura is an a-hole. She'd do anything to make anyone's life miserable, especially if they have some sort of spark with Joel." She said angrily glaring at a Jeep that sped past us.

Yammy pulled into a school parking space and made us hurry out.

"Woah, what's all the rush about?" I asked as we strolled into school. Yammy wasn't walking, she was more jogging, or extra speedy speed walking.

"Laura has gone too far this time. If she messes with my best friend, she messes with me." Yammy said as she stormed through the school hallway shoving people out of her way.

"LAURA!" She yelled as she knocked over a first year.
"LAURA THE BLOODY HELL SAMUELS!" She beckoned once more as she shoved away a wall of 3rd years.
I scampered next to Yammy through the 3rd years and we both saw the same thing at the same time.
Laura was leant up against a locker next to Joel. She was playing with his hair and he was red as a tomato. I felt my eyes start to tear up.

"LAURAAAA!" Yammy screamed as she marched over to her and held Laura up to a locker by her throat.

"YAMMY!" Joel squeaked, "Get off her. Now!" He said as he pulled Yammy off her.
"And you! You are so STUPIDLY DUMB! Obviously Lizzie didn't write that letter! She's got it mad for you! Jeez!" She said as she whacked him over the head.
"Don't speak to my boyfriend like that!" Laura choked.
"B-boyfriend..?" I stammered as I turned around and hurried away through the sea of students.

"Do we have a problem here?" A booming voice said marching out from the principals office. "Oh goodness, Sir! Do we!" Laura said in an innocent voice. "Yasmin attempted to strangle me! And she slapped my dear friend Joel here across the skull!"

"Yasmin, Joel, Laura is there anyone else involved?" He asked with his arms crossed.
"Elizabeth." They all said in sync.
"You are all to see me after school." He said as he turned around and walked back into his office.

Buzz buzz!

I turned on my phone and a notification popped up on my phone

New text from: Yammy👯‍♀️

Yammy: meet outside Walters office after school. Don't be mad x
Lizzie: oh god!!!!

I went to my locker with tears falling down my cheeks every couple of seconds. What had Yammy done?
"That was quite a show back there, huh." Someone said from behind my open locker door. I slammed shut my locker and jerked my body towards the speaker.
"I think I need some air," I said as I shoved past Joel, the owner of the voice.
"Great!" He yelled at me through the crowd, "me too!"
"ALONE!" I yelled walking faster through the mob.

I was sitting outside on a bench just pondering my week. I had a crush, which turned into a half-boyfriend which turned into a heart break. I black mailed a girl who ruined my relationship twice. I spat Gatorade all over my friend's new car. I threw up and blacked out.
"What a week." I sighed to myself.
"Also for him." Someone squeaked from beside me.
I turned to the side to see who was speaking.
"Oli? What d'you mean?" I asked squinting my eyes.
"I'm not supposed to tell you this... but,"

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