Chapter 15 (finale)

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I stepped up to the doorstep at the top of the gravel driveway, i was clutching onto the flowers dor dear life, trying to stabilise my shaky hands. My breath was heavy as i reached out with my other - possibly even shakier - hand, and knocked gently. Afraid it wasn't loud enough i reached out to do it again, but before i could the door swung open, and a tall, beautiful girl opened the door. She stood next to the boy i had come to see, once again, she was my biggest obstacle.

"what?" she rolled her eyes as she stared down at me, her beady eyes staring into my soul.

"j-joel," i stammered, before taking a big gulp and thinking about all the words i've wanted to say over the years, "but first, you."

"what about me?" her perfectly plucked eyebrows furrowed, as she began to chew her gum more aggressively.

"i-" i tried to wrap my head around the fact i was actually doing this, but it had to be done, "what the heck is your problem?"

"heck? that's cute-"

"shut up, laura! just tell me why you have it out for me! i've done nothing wrong!"

"you flirt with my boyfriend!"

"it's not my fault he likes me more!" i realised what i said, i wanted to take it back, but it felt so good to finally give her what she deserved.

"you did not just say that!"

"i did," a grin grew across my cheeks, as i watched her face drop in shock, "i'm not wrong!"

"JOEL!" she screeched, even though he was right next to her, "tell her to stop!"

"no," he mumbled, then repeated himself louder when she shot him a menacing look, "no!"

"joel- what?!"

"i never liked you, laura. i mean, at first you were alright but i quickly realised how much of a monster you really are." his face became more serious as he kept talking, not taking his eyes off her angered face, "leave."

"j-joel?" she whimpered, her eyes narrowed, i felt a slight ounce of sympathy for her, but it wuickly faded when i remembered all she had done to me.

"laura, you know why we were together! you know i never liked you after the first break up!"

"ugh, fine! you two losers deserve each other anyways, don't come crying to me when your reputations are down the drain!" she shouldered me as she stormed out of the house and down the street. 

"what. was. that?" my jaw dropped, i'd never seen joel like that before... it was kinda... hot.

"lizzie, why did you come here?"

my mouth felt dry as he asked that question, i remembered the bunch of daisies i was holding, and the speech i had memorised.

"can we start this again? it would have been a lot more romantic if laura wasn't here." i sighed, as he closed the door after a warm smile.


i reached out and knocked the red door with a shaky fist, it immediatley swung open, and i was greeted by a pair of honey brown eyes.

"i'm so in love with you, joel." i declared as i shoved out the bunch of flowers to him, "i know its typically the boy in my role in cheesy coming-of-age teen netflix films, but this isn't a film, and it's not cheesy... i hope." i heard a soft giggle as he took the flowers out of my hand, "the fact that we've had so many obstacles in our relationship, but still managed to get around them, and not lose any hope or love! joel, joel-y joel. i love you." 

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