authors note

328 3 5

hi everyone, 

so, as you can tell, i haven't been updating this fic at all, lately.

i just wanna give you some proper reasons instead of just completely dropping it.

1) i started this fic around 3 years ago, when i was like, 11? something like that, and i've kind of outgrown the 'jizzie' fandom. trust me, i still love them to death, but i'm not as big into them as a was when i was 11. i feel like i've matured a little bit, and writing fan fics about two youtubers doesn't give the same thrill as it used to...

i still adore writing fics, but just not for jizzie. take my larry stylinson fic for example, theres a different thrill with that, because you genuinely have to imagine it all because their relationship isn't out, whereas with jizzie, they're married!

2) i haven't felt inspired at all. while writing this fic i felt it was very very repetitive, and it was annoying to write at times. i'm sure it was annoying to read too. i didn't really plan what i was going to do with this fic, i just went in blind, which is why it dragged on and on and repeated itself at times. i often forget what even happens in the fic, which is why it repeats itself so much.

3) it's flopping. nobody likes it when tehir stuff flops. i'm so incredibly happy my fic got 2 thousand views (oh my god, thank you!), i was barely expecting it to get 2 views. the earlier chapters have much more views than the latest ones. i feel like nobody really cares about this fic anymore, except like 3 people. theres no motivation if nobodys going to see it, you know?

4) on top of all that, i've matured as a writer. i want to write about more deeper things, rather than cheesy love stories about a couple thats married. i want to write about more mature themes and issues, but i don't feel like i can, as the majority of people reading this fic are probably like 10.

i don't want to let down the remaining few people here, so i WILL be finishing this fic, finally.

i just want to say a huge, giant thank you to the people who have stuck around! and to the people who vote, comment, etc! i don't exactly remember when, but this fic has been in the top ten for #jizzie which is incredible, thank you!

i love you so incredibly much, and to those select few, thank you for your continued support.

i can't promise that this fic will be my first priority, but i definitley will be finshing it soon!

i can't express how much i love you.

- erin xoxo

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