Chapter 12

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"Lizzie," I heard him say softly through the phone.

"Scratch that-" I began, but he quickly cut me off.

"Just come to the park, please."

"F-fine! But only because you insist!" I quickly hung up the phone.

I mean, he must like me too, right? He asked me out... I thought Oh, god. This is going to be so awkward...

I stood up from my bed and straightened out my clothes. My hair was a mess, so I quickly bunched it up into a bun and wrapped my creamy-white scrunchie around the blob of hair.

I set off, sneaking downstairs so that my mum wouldn't yell at me again. I got out of the house successfully. I saw mum's car parked on the driveway. She hadn't used it all day. 

"Poor thing," I muttered as I glanced around to see if anyone was looking "hasn't been out all day."

I snuck back inside, luckily mum was still in the back garden putting out the washing, and Maddie had been picked up by her friend for a sleep-over. I saw the shiny set of keys laying on the coffee table, just a few feet beside me. I rushed over to them and snatched them. I got back outside and hopped into the car. I wasn't bad at driving, I just wasn't... good.

I put the key in the ignition and began my venture to the park, which I could've walked to... oh well.

A matter of minutes later I pulled up at the park and through the mist that lay low on the ground, and the dim yellow lights I could see two figures sat on a bench. 

I got out of the car and I watched one of the figures stand up as they saw me, the other remained seated. As I approached them I noticed that the standing figure wasn't Joel, as I assumed it would be. Instead, it was Laura. Joel was the one who stayed sat down.

"Lizzie! O.M.G! Thank you like so much for not attacking me, I mean your body-guard did kinda hurt me a little, but I can't even fathom the thought of what it would be like to be attacked by you, lil Miss I-Work-Out-Everyday!" She giggled sarcastically as she wrapped me in a false embrace. "Sooo good to catch up, but I've gotta go now! Catch ya later, hunny!" She blew Joel a kiss, and battered her heavily mascaraed eyelashes at me. 

She knew the whole time I liked Joel. Of course she did, why else would she have yelled at me in the nurses office about him? I had a feeling it wasn't just Joel's mother that was out to get me.

Joel stayed sitting, he didn't look up to farewell his 'love'. When Laura realized he didn't acknowledge her departure, her open hands turned to fists, her eyebrows furrowed and she made a little 'grr!' sound through the corners of her pursed lips. 

"I said 'Bye, hunny!" Her face still wrinkled and furious.

"Oh," He finally looked up, "bye..." He raised a hand to wave goodbye, but instead of a waving motion he just put his hand back down.

Laura 'grred' again, and swung around and strutted off.

"Lizzie, I am so, so, sorry about everything." He looked up at me, and after a few seconds of silence, gestured me to sit. "I know how much you want to be with me-"

"What!? How much I want to be with you? D-do... you not like me back?"

"I... uh, well..."He sighed deeply and looked up into my frosty blue eyes. His rich, chocolaty, brown eyes stared back at me. He seemed sad, I could tell. "no,"

My heart sunk, I truly thought I had something special with him.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I got up to leave, but i was wobbly in the knees, I couldn't stand, so I sat back down. I noticed a lamp post hat was flickering in a peculiar pattern; on, off for 3 seconds, on for a split second, off for a split second, on again for 3 seconds. I looked back at Joel,he was studying the lamp post.

"Lizzie," He whispered, "my mother is over there, don't let her see you. She thinks you're Laura, so this is as good a time as I'm going to get."  

Joel grabbed my jaw and pulled my face closer to his. His eyes were closed, he was about to kiss me, but I was still upset. I wriggled my chin out of his strong grasp, and his eyes shot open in shock.

"Tell me what you want Joel! You're so... DIFFICULT. Stop flirting with me one day, dating me the next, then saying you don't like me, a-and going out with her instead! I'm so done with this, ALL of this. I'm over you. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Goodbye, Joel." I shot up and marched to the parking lot where my mothers car was sitting, waiting to be driven again.

I was so mad, he was messing with my head, toying with my emotions. That's not how someone should make you feel. You should feel special, and loved. Not like your whole relationship with someone is a fraud. 

I slammed the car door shut, shoved the key in the ignition, and raced home. I wasn't upset or sad, I was furious. I came to a screeching halt in my driveway minutes later. I stormed out of the car and into my house.

"Where the hell  have you been, Elizabeth?!" 

I ignored my mother, and threw the keys at her.

I marched up to my room and slammed the door shut loudly. I pulled out my phone, I needed someone to talk to, obviously Yammy was the best choice.

As I turned on my phone I noticed 

23 new messages from: Joel <3

30 missed calls from: Joel <3

9 new voicemails from: Joel <3

First thing I did when I opened my phone was delete all the messages and voicemails from him. I didn't bother to even think about calling him back. I blocked his number.

"So over him," I said to myself.

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