Chapter 5

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I stayed at school a while after 3:00 pm, as I was still feeling a little dazed. I was laying in my uncomfortable bed staring at the ceiling, daydreaming about me and Joel getting married one day when a heard a sudden THUD, THUD on the sliding door leading to my room, health room 3.

"Let me in, rat!" I heard an angry voice yell.

"L-Laura?" I asked hesitantly while reaching for the lock on the door, "W-what do you want?" I said while holding my forehead that was throbbing with pain from when I fainted.

"LET ME IN!" She yelled again.

"Okay..?" I said, flicking open the lock on the door.

As soon as I unlocked it the door came zipping open and marching in came a snobby looking popular girl who goes by the name of Laura Jane Samuels. She was snobby, obnoxious, popular and spoilt. Laura was Joel's ex-girlfriend, but they broke up a few months ago.

"Was Joel just in here?!" She asked pointing her overly manicured finger in my face.

"Yes, he was. Were you looking for him?" I said sarcastically as I shoved her finger out of my face.

"Ew! Don't touch me, rat! And no, I want to talk to you." She said as she rubbed her finger on her white skinny-jeans.

"Laura, why do you wanna talk to me?"

"Oh honey," She said politely as she sat down on the frumpy bed next to me, "Why wouldn't I want to talk to you? I mean, you're so cool! You have pink hair, a great sense of style and a nice personality!" She said suspiciously.

"Okay, Laura. Don't lie to me! I know someone like you wouldn't compliment me! What do you really  want?" I said as I scooched away from her as her perfume was so strong it was giving me a headache.

"Okay, here. YOU WILL NOT GO ON THAT DATE! UNDERSTAND ME?!" She said standing up and pointing her finger in my face once more.

"Why not? Who are you to stop me?" I said as I stood up and pointed my less manicured finger in her face.

"Go on that date, and I'll ruin your life." She said as she flipped her hair and walked out of the door with a click, click, click or her high-heeled shoes.

"Oh! One more thing, rat! Joel will be mine!" She said with another hair-flip, "Watch me." she said. At this moment in time, I could just imagine her cackling like a witch, hopping on her broomstick and flying away, and not to Hogwarts...

"Ugh! I hate her!" I said as I began packing up my school bag and getting ready to go home.

I was strolling down the same concrete path I walk down every day, with the same sights of the blue sky turning to a dusky purple, the same cheery apple tree swaying softly in the delicate wind and the same noisy construction crew renovating the old-folks home a few blocks away from school. Thoughts and questions were filling my mind; 'What would Laura do if I went?' 'Should I go?' 'I'm not going to let her ruin a date with a boy I've loved for years!' 'How would she know where we went? What if we didn't end up going to the movies?' I was so preoccupied with all of these thoughts that I didn't even realize the pole in front of me...


I almost fell backward, but I stopped myself. I got my balance back and looked around to see if anyone saw me and of course, of all people, she was there!

"Careful there, sweetie! No-one wants to go out with a clutz!" She said with an intimidating sneer and pretentious giggle.

"Especially a clutz with pink hair! What color were you meant to dye it? Blue?!" Said one of her wanna-be friends. The rest of the group laughed. 

"Knowing you, I'm surprised it didn't come out poop brown!" She laughed with a fake smile alongside her fake friends.

"My natural hair is brown! And so is yours! You hair-bleaching, snobby little b-"

"Lizzie! There you are! I was so worried, I couldn't find you anywhere!" Came a voice and patting of running feet. I was curious to see who it was, I couldn't recognize their voice over the loud patting of their feet and the panting, they seemed to have been running for a while.

"Lizzie!" Said the voice again. I could recognize that adorable, messy brown hair from a mile away.

"J-Joel?!" I said turning my whole body around to face him.

"Lizzie! Come quick! No time to explain, come with me!" He grabbed my arm and whisked me away with him. I couldn't see his face he was running so fast, together we ran up the street back towards the school.

"W-Where are we going?" I said panting heavily for sweet breath.

We turned the corner past the school and he quickly whipped us behind a tree and gently pushed my back against the huge apple tree.

"Joel," I said as I finally caught my breath "what was that for?" I asked still slightly panting.

"I saw what was happening, I don't want you anywhere near her, she's major trouble!" He said as he started pulling at his hair.

"What are you doing!?" I said extremely confused, "Is that what you do to catch your breath? Does it help?" I asked curiously.

With one final pull, his hair came right off and pouring out came a bright purple-y color.

"YAMMY!?" I yelled. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR, I HAD THAT UNDER CONTROL!" I shouted in her face, wanting to slap her across the head.

"Lizzie, don't lie to me or yourself. I was watching from behind the rose bush, you were making a fool of yourself! I had to swoop in, there was no other way! If I came at you as me you wouldn't come! Sorry..." She said calmly, with a hand on her shoulder.

"Ugh! I can't not forgive you cause you're my best friend and ride to school..." I said aggravated. "I am not mad at you but I will hold this against you for the rest of eternity!" I said slapping her hand off her shoulder.

"I'm okay with that." She said stuffing the brown messy wig into her backpack.

"CRAP!" I said loudly, realizing something.

"What is it!?" Yammy said, slapping her hands on my shoulders and shaking me.

"MY BAG! I LEFT IT BACK THERE!!" I yelled throwing my hand back in the direction of Laura.

"Uh-Oh!" She said, her eyes widening.

"LAURA!" We both yelled and started rushing back.

There we went again, running like athletes (except slower) back down the street.


Yammy and I got back to the place Laura and her 'friends' we mocking me. I expected to see her and her stupid friends rummaging through my bag, reading my journals and stealing my homework but instead I was surprised to see Joel, leaning against the apple tree, next to the rose bush, clutching my bag, almost hugging it. He seemed to be waiting for me.

"OH MY GOD, JOEL!" I said, running up to him, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"

"No problemo!" He said reaching out my bag towards me. I snatched my bag out of his hands and pulled myself towards him and squeezed him in a tight hug.

"Woah!" He gasped, "You're a tight hugger!" He said hugging me back.

I was blushing so much I didn't want to let go because he might see my cheeks. After a couple seconds, I let go as it would be weird for us to hug for such a long time. Yammy was standing aside, it was probably very awkward for her, so I thanked Joel once more and told him that we should go.

We started walking to Yammy's car when she suddenly burst,

"JOEL WAS TOTALLY BLUSHING WHEN YOU HUGGED HIM," "YOU WERE TOO!!" She blurted out as she unlocked her car.

"GAH!" I groaned "I WAS NOT!" I said crossing my arms and glaring in her direction.

"Then tell me, Lizzie, when did you start buying such a dark blush color?" She said slyly, raising one perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

"PFFT! Whatever Yammy! Just, drive..." I said as I clambered into her car.

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