Chapter 6

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Yammy pulled up at my driveway, I climbed out of her car, said bye and slammed the door behind me. I strolled up to my front door, walked in and was greeted by my little sister's annoying face.

"What, Maddie?" I said, unenthusiastically.

"You might wanna check the photos you're tagged in on Instagram..." she said holding up her phone to my face.

I snatched the phone from her and tapped on the most recent picture I was tagged in.

" @LauraJ_Samuels, 'Look what I found in Little Lizzie's back-pack! @Lizzie__D' HOW DID SHE GET THIS?!" I was freaking out, not only was my privacy invaded, but the whole school follows Laura and now the whole school thinks I'm a bigger ner then before.

"Don't you worry sister of mine!" I heard my sister's cheery voice perk, "I have a master idea for it all to backfire on this, Lauren character..." she said drumming her fingertips together and looking like a criminal.

"Her name is Laura, and I don't think your plan is going to work, Maddy, thanks though.." I hung my head and started walking slowly and sadly to my room.

"But wait! Lizzie! Give me a chance, you don't know what I'm capable of!" She said as I hear her tiny feet patter towards me.

I turn around to face her, I look down at my younger sister. Her twinkling brown eyes seem to be hopeful. 

With a deep sigh, I reply.

"Fine, tell me your 'plan' first, though," I say while sitting on the second step up on the brown wooden stairs.

She pushes past me and runs up the stairs. I hear her creaky bedroom door open and with a swift hustle of papers I hear a faint 'A-HAH!'

She runs back down the stairs and grabs my hand as she reaches the last step. She pulls my arm until we reach the garage. click! went the garage door lock behind us.

"MADDY?!" I say tugging my arm back out of her tiny but firm grip.

"SSHH!" She says as she pulls up a metal easel and places on a piece of black paper.

 She shoves me down onto the spare grey couch in the garage. The couch should have been trashed years ago, it's covered in clothes and toys, it's got hundreds of marks from mine and Maddy's 'artwork' from when we were little, the cat has had a fair few claw-sharpening sessions out of it. The sofa is falling apart almost but our mother refuses to because of 'memories' or something.

"This sofa, it's so...old!" I say in my head.

Maddy lifts my chin so that I'm looking at her.

"This," Maddy said with a sly grin, "is a letter that your good friend Laura wrote to Joel, I'm guessing Joel never got it..?" She said handing me the small black card.

The card read:

'Joel, I hope you are reading this. I have had a crush on you since I was 5 years old. I want you more than anything else in the world. Please, give me a chance. - Laura'

"What?" I said, shocked, "where did you get this?"

"When mum was volunteering at the school club-week a few months ago, she took me with her, I had to help clean the hallways at the end of the day and I found it." She said, "I kept it because the name 'Laura' sounded familiar and so did 'Joel'."

"So, what's your plan now..?" I said hesitantly.

"One word, blackmail."

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