Chapter 8

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As I sped down my street towards the park, my mind was flushing with thoughts. Not good ones.
'What if he wants to call off our date?' 'Maybe him and Laura are back together!' 'Maybe he doesn't like my hair!'

But I wasn't going to let my terrible thoughts stop me. "I will get to Joel!" I said, apparently thinking out loud.

After a while of sprinting, it turned into running, which then turned into jogging, then walking because I finally saw the park.

'Blossom Park. Visitors after 11:30PM will be arrested for trespassing'
I looked forward to see a cute brown haired young man sitting alone on a bench.

"J-Joel?" I stammered, "H-hey!"
He stood up from the bench and started marching my way.
"W-what's up?" I asked. He didn't look too happy, he looked furious in fact.
"What's up? I'll tell you 'what's up'!" He said with a snarl. "I liked you Elizabeth, I really did. I thought you liked me too. Apparently not." He said as a small crumpled up ball of paper hit my cheek. "Never call me again." One single tear formed in his left eye as he stormed off.
"Joel, wait! I don't know what you're talking about! I do like you!" I tried calling out to him, but he couldn't hear me.

I began crying, the love of my life had just abandoned me because of something I didn't do! I picked up the paper with a heavy heart and waddled gloomily over to the bench. It was a letter, addressed to Joel.

Joel. I don't know how to put this. I don't like you. It was all a sham that Yammy put together to trick you into liking me, so I could say someone had a crush on me. It's selfish, I know but honestly I really don't care. I don't like you, at all. The only reason I would EVER date you, would be to make Laura jealous. Okay, bye. -Lizzie.

"What?! I didn't write this! That's not even my signature! I always do stars as the dot on the 'I' and always wrap my name in a heart!" My mind began flooding once again with thoughts.

'Someone did this, it has to've been Laura!' 'How could he think I would do this!' 'Never call me again?!'
I flopped back onto the bench, tears water falling down my face. I had to talk to someone but there was nobody around, a couple late night dog walkers and that was it. I stood up, my legs trembling. A small shiver fell down my spine. I began walking slowly up the footpath towards the exit. There was a couple, a blonde man laying on his side feeding a brunette girl small chocolate covered berries. I walked past them but stopped.

"You two are so lucky," I said blinking back my tears, "not everyone finds their perfect match. And even when they think they do, n-nothing lasts f-forever..." I whimpered balling my eyes out. I quickly ran away before they could see my melted makeup.

"Poor girl," I heard the female say "she's probably just had a bad breakup."

I stormed back up my street, I was feeling a mixture of emotions, rage, depression, fear. I looked up, there was two stars. Beautiful, they were a perfect match. Then one slowly but surely began to fade. I stood there for a while just watching the star fade, I was cold, alone and heartbroken. Soon there was just the one star. "Just like us." I said silently as I stared back at the ground and began on my venture home.

I walked through the door at 10:17 PM and was greeted by an angry;
"Where have you been Elizabeth? I called Yammy's mother an hour ago, asking if you were there. Guess what she said! I tried calling you 6 times, Elizabeth! Care to explain?!"
"I was at Blossom Park, getting my heart shredded into pieces." Is what I would have said if my mother allowed me to have a boyfriend.
"I was taking a walk, just pondering. I was going to go to Yammy's but I passed it." I said under my breath as I made it slowly across the front room and up the stairs.

I shut my bedroom door behind me and fell back into my bed. I wasn't crying anymore. I was just hurt. I didn't have the motivation to do anything. My heart hurted. I was over upset, sad, or  even gutted.

"Yammy..." I said under my breath "she'll know what to do..." I picked up my phone and my lock screen lit up. It was a picture of me, Yammy, Scott, Oli, Callum, and... Joel. When I unlocked my phone, instead of going to text Yammy, I went to settings and changed my lock screen photo to a picture of me and my beloved little kitten, Buddy.

Beep! Beep! Beep!
Yammy👯‍♀️ would like to FaceTime.

I quickly wiped away my runny mascara and accepted the call.

"Oh my god! You look terrible! What on earth happened?!" She squealed.
I began to think about the events of today, I had felt true love, followed by heart break, I was a mess of emotions.
"I guess I got dumped..?" I said glumly.
"What? Girl, you were never dating to begin with. Explain what happened tomorrow, I gotta go now. Love ya'!" She exclaimed, blowing me a virtual kiss.
"Bye." I said as I hung up and dropped my phone on my chest.

It was starting to get really late, and I had school in the morning. I quickly slipped out of my jeans and changed into an oversized sweater I stole from my dad and lay flat on my side, staring at the pictures on my wall. I saw a Polaroid picture hanging right in the centre of the wall. The picture was the same as the one as my home screen. It was a pitch black sky with dim street lights in the background. You could barely see our faces, but mine and Yammy's colourful hair stood out intensely. In the foreground it was Callum and Yammy squatting holding up thumbs up and peace signs with their hands. I was sat on top of Yammy, like she was giving me a piggyback ride. Behind Callum was Oli, who wasn't looking at the camera and laughing at the fact that I almost fell off of Yammy. Joel was stood in the middle-back, with his arm around Scott who was on his tip-toes, and one hand on my back, barely holding me up. These were my best friends, I loved them.
I still, even loved Joel...

I was thinking about him for what seemed like ages but eventually, I just fell asleep, and I wasn't thinking about any of the days events. My mind was clear, blank, and dreams soon filled my mind as I whisked off to sleep.

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