Chapter 2

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"Hop in!" Yammy says as she gets into the driver's seat of her blue-grey Honda Civic.

"I always forget how nice your car is!" I compliment her as I climb into the passenger seat.

"Thanks, I had to persuade my parents for months so they would let me get it!" She pointed out as she put her key in the ignition. "First stop, Oli's place." She said as we backed out of my houses cobblestone driveway.

We sat in silence for a while, until I realized my hair still looked like a pink birds nest. I pulled out my hairbrush from my dark blue Disney themed backpack and started combing my hair until it was silky smooth.

"Heard anything know who lately?" Yammy asked me, "Anything at...all?" She said excitedly.

"That reminds me!" I squealed a little, "Maddy said he texted me this morning!" I tugged at my phone which was stuck in the back pocket of my wripped jeans. I eventually got it out an scrolled through my notifications until I found Joel's text.

'Hey, wanna go on a date?' It read.

"OH, MY GOD!" I yelled and tugged at Yammy's arm.

"What is it?" She said trying to keep in control of the car.

"Joel just asked me on a date!" I squealed as I clutched my iPhone 6 to my chest.

"That's great Lizzie! When are you going? Maybe we could go on a double-date!"

"It doesn't say- Wait! Since when did you get back with Chai!?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, I'm not. I was meaning more like you and Joel, me and a big hunk of garlic bread!" She replied enthusiastically.

"So I was right, you and Chai are still broken-up?" I asked.

"We were never really together, we just liked each other. We still do, but we can't be together cause of Lauren, after all these years she still likes him. If I try getting with him she'll kill me!"

"I thought she liked Callum," I replied.

"Nope," she continued "Meghan likes Callum, Callum likes Jess and so on." She informed me of everyone's crushes, though it felt like none of my business it was just so interesting.

"And Jess likes Callum. They tried dating but Jess's parents didn' it that much." She told me.

Yammy is a very popular girl at school. She knows everyone and everything about everyone. She even knows drama between the teachers, what can you say? Everyone likes Yammy.

We pull up at Oli's red-bricked house. Yammy honks the horn of her semi-new car and out pops Oli from the front door, panda hat and all. 

"Heyoo!" Oli exclaims as he pulls on his seatbelt. "Where to next?" He asks.

I pull out a bottle of blue Gatorade from my bag and take a huge gulp.

"Callum's, then Joel's." She replies confidently.

*PFFFT!* I spat out my blue drink and the little compartment above my knees becomes dripping in the blue liquid.

"MY CAR!" Yammy yelled, "Get some tissues and wipe it up! There are tissues in the side of the door!" Yammy said as she reached across my body and pointed to a small pack of tissues in a slit-cupboard in the door.

I reach for the tissues and begin wiping up the mess.

"Joel?!" I say staring at my purple-haired best friend. "Not Lauren, Sasha, Joey, Scott or even Tiffy?!" I whisper-shout at her, still staring with my eyes wider than ever.

"Like I said, Lauren might kill me, Sasha carpools with Mrs. Jackson cause Mrs. Jackson is her aunt, Joey and Tiff carpool with Kassie, and Scott walks to school! Joel asked for a ride anyways." She explained.

"Ugh," I complain while wiping up the sticky mess.

We pull up at Callum's wooden cottage-style house and we are greeted by Callum running up to the car with papers, pencils, and books filling his arms and hands.

"YAMMY, YAMMY, YAMMY!" He yells "DID YOU FINISH HOMEWORK FOR MR FINNIGAN'S CLASS?!" He exclaimed scrambling into the car.

"Yeah, yeah. I can tell you the answers. Come and sit in the front, you don't mind Lizzie, do you?" She asks me.

"No, I don't mind." I say climbing out of the car.

As Callum got into my previous seat I climb into the seat next to Oli. Oli begins telling me about music class and how Mrs. D is the nicest teacher on planet earth and he continues talking until we arrive at Joel's. Joel's house is a beautiful greyish-white brickery with a garden full of beautiful pink roses and white and yellow bush daisies. I'm so preoccupied with staring at the flowers and perfectly cut grass I don't even realize everyone saying hello to Joel.

Joel sits in the remaining seat next to me, his red JanSport backpack in his lap. I'm still staring at his garden and I only look away when he turns to me an says

"Hey, Liz'." I looked away from the garden and look at him, my cheeks turning as pink as the roses.

"H-Hi." I say hesitantly.

"I like your hair today! Looks so silky! What conditioner do you use?" he asks, grabbing a bunch of my hair between his fingers and rubbing it with his thumb. My cheeks go pinker.

"I use Head and Shoulders!" Oli says from behind me.

"Okay," Joel says looking towards him and then quickly looking back at me.

"P-Pantene," I say, my cheeks now burning, "I think.."

He drops the load of hair and begins rummaging through his bag. I see him grab something pink, it appears to be heart-shaped.

'A card? For me maybe!?' I say in my head.

Joel drops the card and continues rummaging. He picks up a bottle of red Powerade ION 4, he unscrews the cap and takes a sip when he puts the bottle away it leaves a red ring around his mouth.

"Hehe!" I giggle.

"What? what?!" he says looking around him trying to find what I'm laughing at

"You look like you're wearing lipstick, your Powerade left a mark!" I giggle again.

"Oh. Do you have any tissue I can wipe it off with?" He asks hopefully.

"Sure!" I remark, searching through my bag for a pack of tissues.

When I find the packet I pull it out of my Disney back-pack and hand it to him. When he grabs it our hands' touch. It feels as if everyone else in the car disappeared and for a moment or two it was just us. This was our moment, nothing could ruin our moment. 

"Here you go, Joel!" Oli says loudly, handing Joel a couple of baby-wipes from over my shoulder.

"Ugh." I sigh, under my breath.

"Thanks," Joel says under his breath.

When we arrive at school Yammy calls out the window to Shelby and Stacy. We all hop out of the car, say bye, and go off to our lockers, getting ready for class.

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