Chapter 7

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Maddie handed me the letter she found.
"Unless you want your social life to fall apart in front of your eyes, I suggest you go through with my plan." She said putting her hands on her hips as though she was a woman in power.

"Well..." I squeaked while stroking my hair. "Only if you tell me what to do... I've tried blackmailing before, I'm not the best."

"Okay, but are you sure you one hundred percent want to go through with it?" Maddie asked silently so our parents wouldn't hear.

I was unsure of what was going to happen. What if it was a lie, and Maddie was trying to trick me! What if I accidentally told everyone and got my butt kicked by Laura! What if Laura denied it was hers and I ended up looking like an idiot? Well... everyone already knows I have a big fat crush on Joel, so what's the worst that could happen?

I stared down at the letter. It reminded me of all the horrible things Laura had done to me over the years... "Yes."

"Perfect!" Maddie yelped, snatching the paper back and snapping a photo of it. "Send this to Lauren! That'll teach her!"
"You said her name sounded familiar, why do you keep calling her Lauren?" I said looking up at her, her brownie coloured eyes shone with enthusiasm.

Maddie shrugged, then turned around picking up a piece of chalk, and began writing on the black paper. She wrote a giant 'Laura Letter Blackmail' with a bubble around it.

"Step one," she explained "Take a picture and send it to her." She said as she wrote her words down on the paper. "Step two, allow her to believe you won't do anything if she takes down the post of your note and tells everyone it was a lie. Step three, When she least expects it STAB HER IN THE BACK! Tell everyone her secret, including Joel! Let everyone know she can't get everything she wants!" Maddie began cackling as she explained her plan.

"Maddie, you seem oddly interested in helping me, for someone who steals my hairbrush every morning." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Let me get this straight, Lizzie. Laura isn't the only evil demon snake in her family, Alexia Rose her younger sister is twice as bad! She bullies people and accuses them of bullying her!"
I could tell Maddie hated this girl to the core, when Maddie gets angry her ears turn red.
"She gets anyone she wants kicked out of school, including teachers. Remember when Mr Johnson retired last year? He got fired because apparently Alexia saw him put a camera in the girls changing room after school! Alexis loves her sister, and if her sister suffers, she'll suffer!" Maddie yelled with her arms crossed.

"Let's do it then!" I said, standing up and crossing my arms like Maddie, "Airdrop that photo to me, and we'll do this." I pulled out my phone and got an airdrop request from 'Maddie's iPhone 5s' I accepted it and quickly DMed Laura the picture.

Lizzie: [Attached a photo]
Laura: Where did u get that?!
Lizzie: take down the photo you posted mocking me and no one will know it ever existed!
Laura: Hah! People aren't going to believe it's real! They'll just think it's a petty little scheme you're pulling to embarrass me! No ones going to believe it, so go ahead!
Lizzie: Stupidly, you signed it! Nobody but you knows it!
Laura: Fine! What do you want? A pony? A Lamborghini? A diamond necklace?

"Ooh!" Maddie sighed, "We can get whatever we want! Ask for a kitten!"
"Maddie, as much as I would love another kitten, we have Buddy, and all I want is for Laura to leave me and Joel alone." I say, as I begin typing.

Lizzie: All I want is for you to take the post down and leave me and Joel one for good.
Laura: Fine. I'll delete the post, tell everyone it was fake and leave you alone. Only if you destroy the letter, burn it, shred it, bury it whatever. Just make sure NOBODY sees it!
Lizzie: As long as you do the same.
Laura: Deal.

Maddie read the whole thing over my shoulder.
"Oh no no no. We are not getting rid of that letter!" She said annoyed.
"But we have to, me and Laura made a deal!" I explained scrolling up and showing her the messages again.
"She's a double-crossing, two-timing, no-good, lying phony! She's going to keep the letter obviously! Keep the letter, just in case she back stabs you." Maddie seemed like she knew all the ways of high schoolers, and she was only in 8th grade.
"Fine, I trust you." I said, marching out out of the garage with the letter and my phone in hand.

When I got up to my room I dropped the paper and my phone onto the bed, then I flopped onto my back. I looked over to my cat shaped alarm clock. 7:30pm it read, 'we were in the garage for 2 hours?!' I thought to myself.

I reached for my phone
New message from: Joel ❤️

"Eeek!" I squealed as I clutched the phone to my chest.

"Elizabeth? Are you all right up there?" My mother only called me by my full name when she was concerned or worried about me.

"I'm fine Mum, just got a bit of a fright!" I lied lifting my phone up.

Joel: [Attached a photo] Is it real ?
"Oh god! Oh god, oh god, OH GOD!" I yelled at myself. I was too late. Joel has already seen it. "I'm screwed." I said to myself.

"Elizabeth?" My mum called again.
"I'm fine!" I fibbed.

Lizzie: Would you be embarrassed if it was?

I was hoping he'd say no. Maybe he'd think it's cute? Maybe he did the same!

Joel: I don't know...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I screamed. I just ruined my one and only shot at a relationship with the boy of my dreams.

"Elizabeth?! I'm coming upstairs!"
"Mum I'm fine! I'm just... uh... watching a horror movie!?" Mum's extremely gullible, she always believes me.
"Not on a school night young lady! Now come and get some dinner please!"

I already felt my stomach churning, if I ate anything, I thought I'd vomit again.
"Actually, I feel a little sick still. I might skip dinner."

I sat on my bed staring at my phone. All these crazy thoughts rushed through my brain... 'I'll just block him!' 'I could move schools!' 'Can Maddie trick him?' 'Maybe if I stole his goldfish, he'd be too sad to come to school!' Suddenly, my phone screen lit up

New message from: Joel ❤️

Joel: tricked ya'!
Lizzie: what?!
Joel: I think it's cute. And I'm going to admit something...
Joel: [Attached a photo]

Joel has a notebook too. He sent me a picture of all his doodles. There was a girl and a boy on one page, the girl had pink spaghetti strands attached to her head, which I assume is hair. The boy had a mop of brownish hair above his head there was a letter 'J' and above the girls head there was an 'L' with little hearts around it.

Lizzie: is that.. me?
Joel: Oli drew it, mocking me because..
Lizzie: go on?
Joel: meet me at Blossom Park in 10.
Lizzie: okay..?

My heart was pounding. What did Joel need me at the park for? Was he going to confess? Eek! I quickly snatched my denim jacket off of my desk chair and scurried downstairs.

"I'm going to Yammy's!" I lied to my mum and sister as I rushed by. I sped through the front door and slammed it behind me.

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