Chapter Thirty

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'Shit I'll mindlink the pack, make sure the women and children get to safety' Lucas says to the guard, Alex grabs my hand.
'Get out now Tia, this pack is under threat.' Alex tells me, wasn't like I just heard what was said to Lucas or anything.
'I can't leave him here while he's passed out' I say pointing to Matthew .
'Go, he'll be fine, he's a werewolf, he'll be awake soon. I'll come find you when it's safe, please you are my true Luna, go with the women and children.' he kisses my head,
'I hate that you smell of him, go be safe' he lets go of my hand and goes with Lucas.
'Fine' I turn my back and run, I try to mindlink Natalie, but as Lucas has broke my bonds with the pack I don't know if I can mind link her or not, sod this I decide to go up to Natalie room, just to make sure she is out ok.
'Natalie' I scream, I look in the doorway and see her passed out on her bed.
'Shit, Natalie wake up' I shake her and hit her there is no way I am leaving her. I rushed to her bathroom and look for a cup or something to hold water in, I am opening all her cupboards knocking over everything, until I find a jug. I fill the jug up with cold water, I know the cold water being thrown at her will be a shock, hopefully enough to wake her up. I rush back through to the bedroom spilling some of the water on my way, whatever water I have left I chuck over Natalie causing her to cough and wake up.
'Tia?' She doesn't seem right, she seems awake but not really awake, I mean throwing cold water over someone deserves a better reaction than just saying my name.
'Rogues have been spotted, Lucas wants all the women and children in the safe house.' As I am explaining to her about the situation which is happening. Then I smell smoke, I turn and notice smoke creeping under the door, I rush to open it and I am instantly hit with black smoke. How on earth do we get out now? I start to panic, Natalie doesn't seem to realise what is going on.
'Shit the Alpha's house is on fire, I think we are trapped in this room' I look at Natalie and she's seem as if she in shock, she isn't moving off the bed. I run to the windows down push it open. The room door swings open and Daniel crawls in.
'Daniel!' I rush over and help him up shutting the door behind him, I am praying to myself that this helps slows the fire spreading into this room.
'Tia what you doing here? We need to get to safety and you too Natalie, there is only two opposition we can take either we go up or we jump?' Daniel drags me to the window.
'It isn't to high I am sure you can survive it's only the third floor and your a werewolf you'll heal'
I turn and face Daniel.
'Daniel I can't do it and there is no way Natalie is in the state to jump or anything'
'Tia we haven't got much time' I have a thought
'Pass me the bed sheets let's tie them together' Daniel looks confused,
'What I've seen it in a film' Daniel laughs and grabs the sheets we make a kind of rope. Daniel ties one end to the window frame and chucks the other end out of the window.
'You first Tia I can climb down with Natalie on my back' I nod and start to climb out of the window, then when I am grabbing the window frame I take a look and see three figures running towards the Alpha's house and of course it had to be Lucas, Matthew and Alex, guess Alex was right about Matthew. I look down all three of them look horror stuck as they see me at the window with Daniel, and I feel Alex's panic.
'Ignore them, grab the sheet rope and slide down, go, we'll be right behind you' I grab the sheet and start to slide down I am shaking so much, it feel like forever.
'Tia let go, I can catch you' I let go of the sheet and fall down in to the arms of Alex. As soon as I land in Alex's arms I starts shouting
'Daniel..... Daniel.....DANIEL' I am so worried,
'You ok? We need to get you to the doctor' I ignore Alex's questions, I just need Daniel and Natalie our safe now, I look up to the window and I see Daniel this ease my panic a bit.
'I'll get Natalie now' Alex carries me over to Lucas, I feel relaxed in Alex's arms. Lucas starts to question me.
'Tia what hap...' he's cut off by an explosion.

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