Chapter Fifty Three

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'Alex' I scream as we arrive back at the main area, I spot him, he's fighting I don't how many rogues, he's like a mad man. Please come on Alex feel me please I begged to him in my head.
'Tia I can't let you go any further in its too dangerous'
Lucas tells me, as I try to step forward,
'It's not safe I can't protect you out there'
'Lucas, Tia I need to end this. I love you both and I will always be with you, please forgive me for all my wrongs' Daniel says as hugs me.
'Tia you'll be a great mother to that pup' I start to cry
'Hey, don't be sad, he'll punish me once he realises you are alive' Daniel turns and runs off into the crowd of rogues and warriors, I instantly lose sight of him.
'Daniel' I screamed, once again Lucas pulls me back.
'Tia he'll be fine, we've out numbered the rogues. He'll be safe, I promise you he will be'
'Where is Matthew?' I cant see him fighting anywhere.
'I don't know, Ivy's body has been moved, I guess Matthew needed to make sure Ivy's family get her back' I can't imagine the pain he must be going through at this moment, that could have so easily been my body instead of Ivy's, and Alex instead of Matthew.
'TIA' Alex has seen me he's running through the crowd to get to me, pushing rogues and warriors out of his way. I look at Lucas and burst into tears knowing Alex on his way to me.
'Hey beautiful don't cry, I am never leaving your side again, I thought I lost you, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces, I begged the moon goddess to give me one more chance, then it was Ivy's body laying there and not yours. I've never been so relieved before in my life' he picks me up and hugs me, but soon let's go of me.
'You have Ivy scent and other males on you I don't like it' Alex explains I laugh at him.
'I am ok no one touched me, and so is our pup' Alex places his hands on my stomach, he's lips meet mine and he kisses me so hard.
'Let's get you both home' I smile at him, for a moment everything is perfect, til his voice wrecks it all.
'Well well well, it seems my new mate is alive... Daniel come here' I watch as my brother joins the rogue Alpha, at the stage.
'Did you honestly think I wouldn't realise that the dead slut you brought me wasn't Tia?' Everyone now stops fighting and watches them.
'Father Tia has a mate, let's end this all now, I don't want to fight my brother and sister, or my old pack it's over' Daniel's Dad grabs him by the neck and throws him to the floor.
'They aren't your brother and sister.... We are rogues, we act like rogues, we have no loyalties to no pack, you my son, you need to get your priorities right' he kicks Daniel hard in the stomach, Alex grabs my hand, as the rogue Alpha turns to look at me, he sends a chill down my spine.
'Lucas I need to get Tia out of here, Tia come on' Alex pulls me by my hand by I am frozen to the spot.
'Daniel we cant leave him' I plead with Alex.
'Tia you are safe, Lucas is here with all the warriors, he will save Daniel' I see Daniel go behind his father he's hold Ivy's knife.
'No Daniel' I watch as Daniel stabs his father in this back, now I know what is on that blade and I know his father will have no chance to survive even with his werewolf healing ability.
'You killed my mother, you killed her sister and now I've killed you.' Daniel says as he pushes the knife further into his father, Daniels father coughs up blood as he slowly collapse on the floor.
'I Daniel am the Alpha of the rogues now and I command you all to stop' finally it's over.

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