Chapter Forty Two

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Alex's POV

As I walk back to the pack lands with the warriors and Richard, Beta Max mind links me.
'Alpha we need you back here it's Tia she's gone' one of my worse fears has happened.
'What do you mean gone Max? Wasn't you supposed to be watching her?' I question him,
'I was following her all day, then she got upset mindlink Alpha Lucas and vanish she was only out of my eye sight for five seconds I swear. We can't find her anywhere we think she was taken, Alpha Lucas is holding an emergency meeting now'
'Go for me Max I'll be there as soon as I can'
'Beta Richard your are in charge again, your Luna has been taken I need to go find her' I can't pick up Tia's feelings or anything, I try and mind link her, there is nothing. I should of marked her before I left.
'Alpha you need us for anything you let us know'
'Oh trust me a war is on the horizon, make sure the warriors are aware and on high alert, and make sure everyone is back in their homes, and tomorrow be prepared to leave at my orders' I turn and undress carefully folding my clothes so they are easy to carry.

One and a half hours later I arrive back at Moon pack, kinda proud of beating my last time, different Circumstances I would be jumping for joy. I transform back into my human form and get dressed in the forest, I walk to the entrance of Moon Pack's land, the guards on the gate just nod and let me in,
'Alpha Lucas is in the meeting room' one of the guards shout as I pass through the gate, I just nod I am not in the mood to talk or make small talk with anyone. I head straight to the meeting room in the main pack house. When I enter the main pack house, the pack members who are there, try and talk to me I brush them off and walk straight in the meeting room.
'Anyone care to tell me what has happen to my mate' I growl,
'Tia was taken by rogues we smelt them in the area she was' Lucas informs me, I clench my fists them rogues will die.
'Why was she by herself?' I look straight at Mac
'As I explained earlier I was following Tia everywhere, when Tia ran out of the Beta Matthews room and went straight to the pack gates, she was too quick for me to catch her up and by the time I got there she was gone, I search the whole area, then Alpha Lucas turned up with his guards informing me he had been mind linked by her, but was unable to reach her again'
I turn and punch the wall,
'We have all lost her not just you Alpha Alex please try and keep calm, Matthew is out with some of my best warriors trying to find her.' Lucas tells me but I am furious now, I mind linked Richard
'Rogues have taken Tia, change of plans I want everyone ready to be here tomorrow'
'Yes Alpha' I close the mind link between, just as I do there is a knock on the meeting room door, open the door so quick I am surprise it's still attached by the hinges.
'Alpha... sorry to disturb you but I need to talk to Tia, I can't find her' I eye the pack doctor up and down.
'What do you want with my mate' I growl at him
'Umm I can't tell you I need to tell her' I look at Lucas, this is his pack member I can't do nothing with him.
'Doctor if this is something important we will need to know' I am shocked at how does the pack doctor doesn't know what is going on in this pack at the minute.
'It's just I have her test results from the blood test' the doctor informs Lucas.
'What's wrong with her' I question the doctor, he turns his head to look at me,
'I can't tell you without Tia's consent' I growl at him causing him to look at Lucas, if this was my pack doctor I would of had all of this information out of him by now.
'Doctor, I don't know if you are aware but my sister has been kidnapped, now if this is something we need to know tell us now'
'I am sorry Alpha, I wasn't aware my mind link been closed I've been busy with the guards from the wall, I've been trying to save them now that they are all stable I can now deliver Tia results. Tia's blood have shown up that she is with pup' I stare at the doctor.
'WHAT?' I shout Lucas gone pale and the doctor look terrified,
'Tia is with pup' the doctor whisper,
'I want my mate back now, and I want the person who is responsible for taking her, I want their head on the table in front of me, anything happens to Tia or my pup there will be a war'

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