Chapter Twenty

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Daniel POV
I had to have answers, this is why I am creeping out to the prison in the early hours of the morning. The guards let me in no questions asked, sometimes it's good being the Alpha's son, well when everyone thinkings you are the Alpha's son. I look though the cells, until I found the one I am looking for.
'Ok rogues I want the truth and I want it now, who are you after?' The older one of the two speak,
'We are after the son of Alpha Xander we was sent here on his orders'
'So you ain't after Tia then, so you want me then I take it'
'Yes and no Tia is wanted also by your father, he wants to take her by force and claim her as his own mate, kinda like what happen with you but obviously you was claimed as another's son, he wants to give them a tastes of their own medicine' they both nod agreeing with each other
'so my father name is Xander?'
'Yes Daniel, your father wishes to have his son home, as you are at the age where if anything should happen to your Father you are the true Alpha of the night Shadow pack' the smaller one tells me, 'My Dads the Alpha of the Night Shadow pack?' They both nod, I have a moment to myself and a plan comes to my head,
'Ok I am willing to make you to a deal, tomorrow the new Alpha will be sworn in, I will release one of you to inform my father, I know the truth and I wish for him to come get me' they both look at each other with a smile,
'But I want to bring down this pack, for years they have lied to me. I am not one of them. And it's times for them to pay' they both smile at me,
'Yes Daniel this will be a perfect plan' I have already decided in my head to release the younger one of the two.
'I will be back tomorrow, when the guards are gone to let you go, now I have to play my part as a grieving son' I turn and leave, as I walk back up to the entrance I spot the guard office, and mange to take a set of keys and swap them with my own. These guard have been slack today, they never let anyone walk into the prison by themselves, seems as Lucas is slacking already, I smile to myself.

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