Chapter Forty Three

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Matthew POV
'Come back to bed Matthew' Ivy shouts at me, I shake my head, I need to follow Tia. I got lost in the mate bond like she did as well, I know we both can get through this. There was obviously a problem with her and like always she comes running to me, that proves to me she stil has feelings for me, I smile to my self as I get dressed Tia is mine and no mates will stop that.
'Matthew I need you at the pack gates the guards are missing and Tia is there' Lucas mind link me, shit I need to go help them and why on Earth would Tia be there.
'I've got to go and do pack stuff, I've told you Ivy we are done with just accept the rejection it will be better for all of us if you do. I don't want you' I turn and leave Ivy looking shocked in my bed, she better be gone by the time I am back. I rush to the pack gates, I smelt Tia scent on the way there but once I arrive I can't smell her scent no more that's so weird. I am impressed manage to get here before Lucas.
'I am at the pack gates, I can't smell Tia scent no more but I could on the way'
'I am on my way from the training grounds find the guards and Tia' Lucas closes the mink Iink between us. As I approach the gates Alex's Beta is on the other side.
'This is weird Matthew I can smell Tia right up to the gates but not now'
'I know I've notice the same thing, have you seen the guards?' He shakes his head
'Alpha Lucas is on his way, umm you may need to mindlink Alpha Alex' I inform him, I actually don't want him to mind link Alex I just want to know if he has.
'I've tried his link is close to me, it was open for Tia' we both stand in slince,
'Hey what's that?' Max points out, we both Rush towards a hat on the floor outside of the pack lands.
'That's a guard hat the guards Patrol on top of the walls' I explain to max as I turn pointing towards the walls, we see a guard slumped against it.
'Stay here and explain to Alpha Lucas, about Tia scent and give him the hat, hopefully I'll be back down before he's here'
'I am going to keep trying Alex, he really won't be happy his mate is missing' Max explains to me. I rush to the wall entrance and place my hand on the identification pad, the door opens and I climb up the stairs, I see the all the guards laying on the floor like they are sleeping. I look closely at the nearest guard, I notice a feather in his neck, I pull at it and a dart comes out and straight away I smell wolfsbane and sliver, shit.
'Doctor I need you and your ambulance at the front gate, the guards and I mean all twenty of them are passed out there seems to be wolfsbane in the system with sliver'
'On my way Beta Matthew' I need Lucas here with the warriors so I can get theses guards downstairs for the doctor, I careful check each guard and remove all the darts I can see.
'Matthew' I hear Lucas shout my name
'Up here Lucas'
'Oh shit, no sign of Tia and now this, she was taken wasn't she?' Lucas looks heartbroken.
'I am so sorry Lucas it looks like it'
'This will cause a war with Alex, I should of made him take her back' Lucas sits with his face in his hands,
'I've failed my sister' I walk up beside him
'I'll get her back I promise, now let these guards downstairs and then I'll go out with the men looking for her ok.' Lucas just nods his head, instantly the warriors help to get the guards downstairs for the doctor, then I get together a group of warriors and go searching for Tia.
'Don't worry Tia I'll be there for you' I try and mind link her no luck. As Lucas is being no help at the minute I assign some other guards to watch over the wall and pack perimeter.
'If Alpha Alex turns up guys let him in and tell him where are Alpha is, and let me know guys' as much as I hated Alex he has a right to be here, he is her mate at the moment.

A couple of hours in to my search, I've found nothing, but I have had a mind link from the guards informing me that Alpha Alex has arrived, took him long enough obviously his pack is more important to him them Tia. I smile to myself I will be the one to find her. Ten minutes later I am informed Alpha Alex has barged into Lucas meeting and is pissed off, shows what's a useless mate he is, he didn't even realises his mate was missing until a couple of hours ago. I am about to give up looking for clue for the day then Lucas mind links me.
'Please say you have some news on Tia?'
'Sorry Alpha no, it's like she vanished into air'
'Dammit Alpha Alex is pissed off, I need to tell you something and you need to hear it for me, umm the doctor barged into the meeting Tia is with pup' my heart breaks at them words.

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