Chapter Fifty One

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Alpha Alex PoV
'Now now where was we gentlemen' the Alpha addresses the rogues, I can't believe we just happen to have walked in to a ceremony, a gut feeling tells me I know who the new Luna is. Me, Lucas and the warriors have come to a stand still watching the Rogue Alpha.
'Oh Daniel, my son please bring out my new luna, I am sure our guests are dying to see her' I see a figure walk out of the house carrying a body, I can't tell who they are until I hear Lucas growl.
'What's the problem now?' I hiss at him.
'That's Daniel' I just stare at him blankly.
'As in my dead brother Daniel, Alex' I just stare at Lucas trying to work out how his brother is alive, until that is Max beaks my thought track.
'Alpha that's the clothes Tia was wear last time I saw her' he informs me, I let out a growl. The rogue Alpha smiles at me he knows full well what he's doing. Finally Daniel arrives at the stairs to the stage area and lays Tia on the floor.
'Father I am so sorry she tried to attack me I had to protect myself' the smell of blood hit my nose.
'I'll kill him' I say through my teeth.
'Wait wait it can't be her, you would have felt something surly?' Lucas tells me.
'She wasn't marked... maybe that's why' I desperately try to react her through our mind link.
'Awww it seems my new Luna has died, through trying to attack my son' the rogue Alpha shouts out to us all, the rogues starts to laugh. I see red and jump forward and stab the nearest rogue to me. Soon there are wolves around me, half of our warriors are in wolf. I hear the screams of the rogues around me. I notice Lucas going after Daniel, as much as I want to rip him apart for killing Tia, I need to get to her body. Matthew is soon beside me fighting his way to the stage too.
'Matthew I want her body out of here, can you take it for me?'
'Yes Lucas' I know I probably shouldn't of asked Matthew, but I know he'll look after Tia's body as best as he can. The rogue Alpha comes off the stage leaving Tia's body unguarded,
'NOW' I scream at Matthew, we quick run forwards to the stage and up the stairs. All I can smell is blood, I walk up to Tia's body she's laying face down on the stage. I roll her over, but it isn't her I feel relieved. Where is Tia and who is this poor girl.
'Ivy!?!' I look at Matthew my eyes widen shit it's his mate, that's why he collapsed. Matthew's wolf howls at the moon and he runs off the stage and out of sight. One of Lucas warriors come on stage.
'Take Ivy back to your pack, please. Your Luna needs to have her body.' he nods his head and pick her up and leaves, poor Holly.

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