Chapter Thirty Six

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Alex PoV
I am falling asleep cuddle up to my Queen, I am hurt she tried to reject me, maybe I really didn't handle the situation well with her brother and step mothers death, but that scared the life out of me watching her climbing out of that window with all that smoke. I am so scared I will lose her one day. But finally now I can sleep with her in my arms, I was unable to sleep last night without being with her. I am slowly dropping off to sleep, my eyes become heavy and I start to snore.

Alex's dream
'Daddy who that man?' A five year old version of me says point out of the window towards a translucent giant man.
'He is the windy runner son, he turns up at our pack every twenty years since it was first founded by your great great great Grandfather' the windy runner starts pulling up trees and crying out in a language I don't understand.
'He terrorises our pack for a week, no one knows why he comes or who is he' my Father turns and shouts to his guards.
'Sound the alarms the windy rider is here, get everyone to safety'
'Daddy why don't we find out what the he wants' I question my Father.
'There is not reasoning with him, son' next thing I know I was rushed in to hiding by a couple of guards, as I am the Alpha's son only child and of course the next Alpha, it wasn't safe for me to be out while the windy runner is about. When the week is done we leave the safe house and see the mess made by him. I am rushed to my Father's side at the packs hospital, as he got hit by some wolfsbane by the windy runner just before he vanished. Sadly I didn't make it to my father before he dies. I see my Father in laying in the hospital bed, as the doctors around him give up on trying to resuscitate him. I walk up to my Father's side, next thing I know his eyes have opened and he turns to face me
'He has return son'

I awake with a start, sweating and shaking.

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