Chapter Fifty Four

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Matthew PoV
I run as soon as I see it's Ivy body, my wolf has left me, I am certain of it. I make it out of the rogue pack and collapse on the floor in the forest. No I didn't love Ivy, she was just a mate to make my wolf stronger nothing more. A couple of minutes later I see one of my packs warriors leaving the rogue pack, carrying Ivy's body that should be me returning her body to the pack not a warrior, I try to stand up but I fail. This is crazy I still feel nothing towards Ivy's death. I know I need to get myself up and back to the pack lands it's never good when a wolfs mate dies. No I haven't marked her, and she hasn't marked me, I guess somewhere that's a blessing cause that I would be in a lot of pain now. I lay on the ground looking up at the stars I didn't notice the night fall, praying to the moon goddess to look after Ivy, but in return to give me Tia. I close my eyes and prepare myself for whatever should happen to me, there are rumours you can't live without your mate, but the old alpha did, and he marked her.
I don't know how long I've been laying here, I hear the warriors leave and then I hear Lucas, and Alex now I know Tia would be with them, I need to check on her. I turn my head, I can make out two figures it seems Alex is carrying Tia, I try to get up but I am paralysed on the floor. God dammit. My body gives in to sleep again. 

'Well well pup, I have come to answer your prays' I look up and see a man standing above me.
'Just kill me now I have nothing to live for...'
'Really you want to die, I was sent here to collect your soul, but you ain't dying today.... not on my watch... I have other plans for you. Now pup, you do know how sick of the moon goddess I am? Her up there running things down here for you all, she doesn't accept my help.. unless I need to collect a soul' the stranger tells me, I have no idea who this mad man is.
'Wait who are you?' I ask
'Me?' He laughs
'Oh Mathew I am Satan, I am here to help you get Tia, destroy them Alpha's and let you rule these lands for me....'

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