Chapter 1

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I sat in the woods alone, on the ground, wishing I could cry

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I sat in the woods alone, on the ground, wishing I could cry. I couldn't help it. Being a vampire for a little over three years, hated it. I wish I'd die. Jacob came in his wolf form and laid behind me, letting me lay down on his fur coat.

"It's been a year, Jake. One year, and I have no idea how I've managed to pass it." I sob. "I can't do it anymore! I really can't! It's so hard to do it. I can't sleep to escape it." I close my eyes and stay there, listening to the sound of the forest around me. "It's all my fault."

Jacob stood up and walked off behind the bushes, coming back in human form. "Everything's going to be fine, baby girl. You'll get through this." He pulled my into his arms and hugged me tightly against his chest. "You should stay in town, lay low for a while. Emily might like having another girl around." He says. I shake my head.

"Billy doesn't want to see me, Jake. I can't stay. There's nothing left for me in this town." I say and Jake pulls away and looks at me hurt.

"What about me?" He pleads. "You can stay for me." He whispers.

My harsh expression softens. "Oh, Jake, you don't need me. You have Renesme, and the Cullen's, and the pack." I look to the ground. "You don't need me." I repeat.

"You're wrong! I need you just as much as you need me!" He says. "Maybe... maybe I could get you some help." He says and I pull away fully so I'm no longer in his arms. "You could always talk to Doctor Cullen... he's really nice and could help out." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"I don't need help!" I screech out. "No, no, no! Not again! This is exactly what everyone else was saying to me!" My knees give out and I slowly fall to the ground, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking slightly. "No, no, no!" I say softly to myself. "Everything's gonna be alright." I whisper slightly. Jake stands there and looks at me wide-eyed, unsure what to do. He whips out his phone and calls someone.

A minute later, a handsome blonde man and a pretty pixie-looking girl arrive. A wave of calmness crashes upon me, and I stop shaking. They approach me slowly, like I'm a wounded animal. "I'm Jasper, and this is my mate, Alice." The small girl waves and gives me a large smile. I try to return the smile, but only manage to send a weak smile before frowning. I clutch my knees tighter and Jasper comes closer to me, while Alice goes to whisper something to Jake, which I could hear if I wasn't focusing on Jasper. "You're going to be okay. Just come with me, ma'am." He says gently, kneeling beside me. "What's your name?"

"Lilith." I whisper, knowing he can hear me.

"Okay, Lili. Is it okay if I call you that?" I nod my head. "Can you stand up and come with me?" I nod my head and he grabs my hand to pull me up. He doesn't let go of my hand and pulls me towards Jake and Alice like I'm a small child.

"Wonderful! Let's get going then!" Alice says cheerfully. We walk at a normal pace, so Jake can keep up with us. Alice and Jasper walk ahead of us, hand in hand, while Jake and I walk side by side. All three of them kept on glancing at me, probably making sure I was sane. We finally arrived at a large, modern house with lots of large windows. There was a girl who looked to be around seven years old running around in the grass off to the side, with a bronze haired boy and a dark haired girl -both vampires- watching her. I assumed they were Edward and Bella, the little
girl-who I assumed was Renesme-'s parent. Jake had told me about the Cullen's over the phone once. They were his family, along with the pack who I had yet to see in a while.

My Escape / 𝐜. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now